Friday, 9 November 2012

Movember...November 9th>>>Friday!!! Woot!

Day 9 ...

Today ended up being an amazingly chillax day. That wasn't my intension, it just worked out that way. Which was nice because I was woken up in the middle of the night....why? Well I felt my 'stash' fall off. I was slightly concerned but still fell back to sleep. In the morning I discovered it stuck to my hair lol. Time for a new mustache. Hmm which 'stash' to where. This was a tough decision but in the end I went with another black one as I wanted to make sure that the Mo was very visible as to make the point very evident to all.

My face was naked this morning #fail lol :{

hmmm which 'stash' should I wear next?

This one?

Or this one?

Or this one?

After I had that all sorted I got ready for my walk. I set out on my usual walk, but instead of heading to the beach I went a complete other direction. I had no real plan in mind I was meandering really. I discovered a few new walk ways. Found blackberries still in the thickets, and ended up at the bike park; of course right? Even when I am not riding I still can't seem to stay away. Once I was there I decided "Well seeing as I am here I may as well walk the single track and do an impromptu 'Trail Day'". I had been riding the track all week practicing, having fun and trying out my new stump jumping skills. It's been a great weather here in the Pacific Northwest this week since the storms have finally passed on from last week. I tend to check the trails after a storm to clean up any fallen branches etc. Earlier in the week I had discovered a fallen baby tree that had snapped off it's trunk. Thanks to another S.O.R.C.E. member and his braun we were able to move it off the track. But I new the trail needed a bit of a sprucing up so I was more than happy to getter done...I was enjoying a wonderful relaxing walk through the bike trails when I came apon a path that should have been or maybe once was...I was going to keep walking but my OCD went in to overdrive...

There clearly use to be a path here at one time.

I took it apon myself to remove the branches that had been thrown there for one reason or an other and started to clear the once was path.....whilst I was clearing brush, logs, rocks, and leaves a trail runner came by. She smiled at me and said  "hello" , and then without an hesitation she naturally went along the path I had just cleared. Sweet! People were already using it; fantastic!....Seeing as it was part of the Junk Yard Dog single track pathway I decided to make it a bit challenging and gathered all the rocks out of the roots of the huge tree that had fallen and uprooted and make a bit of a rock bed for some fun fun!....I was so pleased with my work when I was done..I started to walk off but I didn't get far. Clearly my OCD had not gotten tuckered out yet because I had only gone maybe  300 ft when I found another area that to needed some clearing of cut branches ....I didn't spend as much time clearing those branches but I was still happy with the result...I then decided that was enough and headed home.
One of the several rocks I dug out of the roots of the fallen tree.


and if you look to your left there is the little rock bed I built...

so there is a choice you can go over the rocks and have some fun
 or take the easy rout on the right...which would also be good for runners or walkers on the trail.

Great day!

 I read a bit, made some lunch and pretty much just kicked it for the rest of the day....I then realized that I hadn't spoken to a soul all was kind of nice. Peaceful!

Well I did talk to Stan...he has now decided to be a copy cat lol ;-{

Here is the link to Donate to my page and support Men's Prostate Cancer Research. Cheers
To support cause please click on the link to donate and help find a cure for Men's Prostate Cancer.
 Thank you!

Cycling Cafe's Diva

"Uniting a Community; one Cyclist at a time"


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