Sunday, 25 November 2012

Movember....November 18th My 1st CX Race of the's been a long road back to training.

Day 18...

My 'Mo' Moment....

<Todays GP was sponsored by Daryl Evans Racing, with the wonderful support from the great crew from Cycling BC who were awesome this whole weekend!>

The day was full of fun, and loads of perks. I didn't expect to be racing this weekend; at all. But on Friday when I set up the course I started to get that feeling....oh you all know it...the one were the adrenaline starts to rise quietly and the race hasn't even started feeling. Then Saturday after working the whole race and cheering on friends and family I was hooked. Kevin, from Cycling BC said;

"Wait and see how you feel . Working both days of the race takes a lot out of wait till Sunday till you make a decision."

Later Saturday night I was feeling pretty sick. I had been so busy that day I had completely ignored and forgotten that I was drenched down to the bone. That night, despite my best effort with a long hot shower, and wearing my pink fluffy housecoat to bed. I still shook all throughout the night from the cold I had endured earlier that day, with the added bonus of feeling nausea as well. That carried on in to the next morning, so my hopes of racing that day were dwindling. 

The next morning it was a mixed bag of emotions that. I was  excited for Day 2 of racing and I was feeling much better than I did the night before, but I was spent. But then I had a thought.
better than I did the night before, but I was spent. But then I had a thought.

"When else was I ever going to race with all my friends and family present....I had done my first Triathlon when I was sick with the flu and sometimes being sick and not feeling 100% is just part of racing; fact! "

Besides, a worse feeling than being sick and missing a race is the feeling you get after the race is done and you wish you had raced. That feeling is worse than being sick. So, I crash coursed my kit together...forced some eggs and toast down and headed to the Bike Park. Surprisingly after riding to the park I wasn't even nervous when head was in the game .I registered, pinned my numbers, checked my kit and I was off.

I had 3 goals: #1 Don't puke

                      #2  Not to get lapped
                      #3  To hopefully <fingers crossed> not come in last

Somehow I managed to pull it all off too. I reached all of my goals; with a bonus.... after all my hard work training this fall I noticed after the race that my endurance and performance had improved. SWEET! I will take it! I am very proud of myself.
The best part about today's race was having the largest group of friends, relatives, and complete strangers cheering little ole 'me' on...Me...not just a random CX competitor they we ringing their #cowbells and calling out "Go DONNA!" that was the coolest part EVER! 

 Hearing my brother Norm cheer me on was the absolute greatest thing is the first time he has ever done that. It meant a lot!

Thank you everyone for your support!!!!!

More Photos from the race via facebook: 

Pit Stop @ The 'Gratitude' Cafe

Thanks going out to:

A huge Thank you to Jeff Hanninen for all his hard work and for letting me come on board and help out this weekend. "Chapeau" !

All the Guys from Daryl Evans Racing for all their help this weekend
and for cheering me on and giving me a lift home after some very long days of a lot of work together.

To the absolutely fabulous crew from Cycling B.C. that put in hours of work to bring this event about.
As well, to the Amazing Group that worked the whole weekend at the race. We salute you!

A special Personal Thank you to Kevin from Cycling B.C. for choosing me to be a 'Chaperon' this year at the Nationals. Giving me an opportunity to learn so much more about Anti Doping, procedures, rules, experience the race from a whole new perceptive, and an extra bonus....I got to meet one of my CX Idols and have some one on one with that person. That was a moment for me. Cheers.

To the 'Boys' in the PIT....thank you ever so much for helping me get my AP FINALLY just so! 

To Collin for his great company, conversation and hard work as Course Marshall Director. Collin I really hope you decide to race next year and join us for some muddy fun next year.

To Hiedi for her bubbly cheerfulness that inspired me to think "I can do this"

To Emily and Adam for their outgoing friendly nature.
Shout out to Sean frlom the KONA Team. It was great to meet and chat with you Sean hope to see you again in the future at another Fab CX race and hey I sure do hope you can get an amazing bike Park in your neck of the woods in Portland. You are welcome to head up this way anytime and we can go for a ride. Cheers!

To my Nephew Tycho, whom I adore, who rocked my Auntie socks off this weekend watching him on  his push bike... and as well getting to ride along beside him after my race....made my whole weekend.
 Ty Ty, Auntie Donna loves you!

To my niece Tessa.....Thrilled to see you walking this weekend Tinkerbelle...Auntie Donna loves you too!

To Wendy (Simms) for constantly amazing me; as a woman, a person and in racing. You constantly inspire me Wendy and for that I thank you greatly. You are my hero! Love you Wendy!

To my Broski, Norm (Thibault) who has been my inspiration since we were kids.

 This weekend was no exception, when my brother yet again Blew my mind hole! Norm, your attitude and how you treat each moment as something special, your drum, and your quest for Women's equality this weekend was something that was talked about and admired by many all weekend long. I was not the only one that was impressed by your 'stand up guy' attitude. I can tell you I spoke to many people that approached me this weekend in confidence to share with me how much they admire you and all your contributions you have made to CX this year, and in the past. 
You are cared about Norm, both by myself, and your peers. 
For that my dear brother I salute you. Thank you for constantly being an example that many admire and  like to follow.
 I love you Normon!

and last, but never at all least....

                         Red Racer Beer, for the delicious pint/s (shhhhhhhhhhh ;) 

Here is the link to Donate to my page and support Men's Prostate Cancer Research. Cheers
To support cause please click on the link to donate and help find a cure for Men's Prostate Cancer.


                                                                   Cycling Cafe's Diva

                                                     "Uniting a Community; one Cyclist at a time"


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