Wednesday, 14 December 2011

The In'famous' BLOG

   Woot! I have a Blog! I realise I am not the first person to get on the blog trend. In fact I am probably one of the very last ones to jump on the blog 'band wagon'. After loads of persuasion from friends, and followers, here I am; blogging. The wonderful thing about 'the blog' is there is no pressure. It isn't an essay or term paper due the next morning to be scrutinised by your English Professor that your GPA depends on. There really is no right or wrong when it comes to blogging. So, why did it take me so long to join this very popular phenomenon, and why now. Well, despite my very outgoing, social domineer I am  surprisingly very private, and rather shy. It's true. I am a true 'wall flower', but I love to write.
    My friend Damir once asked me how I met a past love interest? I replied by telling him in a message, all the many details of that chance meeting. About 3/4 of the way into my very lengthy story (which most of my stories are) he stopped me and asked, "You know you really should write stories. You tell a damn good one." <I smirked at that remark> My reply, "I am far to busy to do that." Yet with a new business in the making and pulling 13-15 hours a day to get Cycle Cafe, as well as a Safe Road Initiative off the ground, here I am, writing a blog. I think they call that for-shadowing in the movies.
     In the midst of all the creating aspects of the business I found myself one day sitting down and writing. It occurred to me that with all the chaos and this being the beginning of the making of what I hope will be a very successful venture; that I should be journaling this time. As I wrote I found myself letting go of the buzzing, the stress of all the outside pressures faded away and  I became lost and engrossed in my thoughts. The flow of the pencil on the paper had a rhythm that became almost Zen like. I still prefer to write with a pencil on paper. There is just something about how ones thoughts flow from your mind the hand. Then the hand dances about on the page and forms words that describe every thought you had. It's magical really. One misses out on that experience whilst pounding away on a keyboard with a screen starring blankly back at them. Simply not the same experience.
     So, as my thoughts flow my mind has been off on it's own tangent full of ideas for Cycle many to keep track of really. Things have been happening so quickly. From Logo's, to Jersey designs, Artists approaching me with their thoughts and ideas to contribute to the endeavour; all appreciated. Not all of this experience has been hearts&flowers. There have been times that were a bit trying. What with unjust, unfair scrutiny, and unfavourable comments, scandal, and copycatting in public text and online it has been a challenge at times. All is part of of business I have found. I have been very fortunate to have very loyal friends, family, followers and fans all of whom have been very supportive and encouraging. Mostly it has taken a very strong character to rise above most of the trial and tribulations. As my guy would say to me, "When you have a great concept there will always be people that come along and try to mimic you. Take it as flattery and keep doing what you are doing; the cream will rise to the top". So, I have kept on carrying on.
     There is still so much to do before Cycle Cafe is ready for it's official Launch in early 2012. For now I have loads on my plate. The love of my life  Dave has asked me to move to England to make a life there with him. To which I responded with a resounding, "Yes.". In the new year I will be officially 'jumping the pond' to take up a new life in the U.K. with new experiences yet still continuing with Cycle Cafe and making those most important connections with all the quality lovely cafes throughout Europe. I plan on starting to Road Race next year as well. It has always been a dream of mine to do so, but I have always shied  first race will be in late summer. I am so looking forward to it. I can't wait to start my new life in England with Dave and I can't wait to see what comes next......until then I am "enjoying the ride!"    

*4 Candy Cane's later I am done my first blogpost ever.... here I go...I am about to click the
'Publish Post' key for the first time and it occurred to me tonight that then this blog post will be visible to everyone.... I hesitated on that thought tonight, and nearly changed my mind....but here goes nothing! AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~C.C. :)))

~Cycling Cafe's Diva

"Uniting a Community; one Cyclist at a time"

This Blog and its content is copyright of Cycle Cafe - ©CycleCafe 2011 . All rights reserved

<p><a href="" title="Web design copyright">Web design copyright</a> fact sheet from UK

© Cycle Cafe 2011
 a Copia Red Corp.


  1. Does this come in a Cliff's Notes version?

  2. Ha! That is a very good question. Well "Ooops" doesn't come in cliff notes yet. But most Famous well known publications do, so one day it will for sure! ~C.C.D. :))))

  3. Awe, bless thank you Wendy! I am loving it...seems the dam has broke and I have been writing no-stop for weeks now so I guess it was time...funny how both blogging, as well as twitter I poo pooed for so long and now I am finding them both to be the best tools for connecting as well as for any start up business...It seems most business now follow the same pattern for getting started and it is a wonderful venue for spoken word...can't wait to start writing my peices on spoken word...there will be a lot of variety here...some cycling yes, for sure coffee speak and a few recipes as well but I am really looking forward to how much I am going to enjoy this experience as another vessel of learning how to be more accepting of myself. ~C.C.

  4. WOO HOO! we have reached 500 views on the 1st Blog Post of "Oops" very pleased..thank you everyone what a succeful wonderful week it has post coming up soon!
