- The phrase usually implies the North Atlantic Ocean between North America and Europe, and is most often used to describe travel between the United Kingdom and the United States or Canada.
....Fast forward to today. As I sit on our couch in a small town in England and write this blog and reflect on the past year a smile is now common place where earlier this year a frown had taken up residence...so much has happened since that fateful trip in September. My wee start up business of Cycle Cafe,http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Cycle-Cafe/205064406205385, focused on Uniting Cyclists with Independent Cafe's throughout the World, and my project for a Safe Road Initiative has taken off and I gleefully now spend hours and hours each day developing them both; which have been wildly successful thus far. Dave, and I are now a couple, and in mid 2012 I will be taking up permanent residence with him in England. As well training is taking off again with the hopes of reaching my goal of a 1/2 Iron Man in the summer...
So, that vaguely is starting to resemble what some may call and refer to at this time of year as a
"New Year's Resolutions". Somewhat at least. I am not a fan of making 'Lists'. I feel they serve no purpose, they get lost and often lead to feelings of stress and guilt; which to me seem rather counter-productive to the purpose of a 'list' which is to make you feel like you actually accomplished something. Am I wrong? But last month in a week moment of excitement for the New Year I started to transcribe something that may resemble said list. For me though I view my "New Year's Resolutions" as a one year plan. Just as some may have already booked their holidays, and race schedule for the coming year, I have mapped out goals that I fully indent on achieving...(a great article on the "New Year's Resolution" was written by my daughter #3 last month you may want to give it a read; she is a great little journalist. That is an unbias opinion, of course)
So, with no further adue my 2012 New Year's Resolutions:
( In no particular order )
>Turbo, Turbo and more Turbo (that's the Trainer for everyone in America)
....It's a love hate thing but it has to be done!
>U.B.C Tri in March
...Aiming for a PR as I revisit this race hopefully without the flu this year, but bumping myself up from a Sprint race to an Olympic this year
Anyone wishing to join me on this I would love your company!
>More success with Cycle Cafe this year
....with more Cafe Tours to be planned for the New Year in the Summer
>The Launch of the Safe Road Initiative with hopes of a program being started and some city improvements being made as well hopefully to propose a 'Manditory Helmet Law' for the UK
...(this may be a lofty one but I am going to try)
>Aiming at getting a new lighter bike for the road....I have ridden a Nishiki Steel Steed for decades and it is time!
>Starting to RR in the summer
>CX CX CX....simply can't get enough of it and I love MUD!
....hoping to hit up more of my Brother & Sister in Laws race series Cross On The Rocks
> To take a picture every single day of the year "365 Photos of 2012"
....I have tried for 4 years to acomplish this endevor...this year I got close I only missed one day in March. This year is the year. I feel it!
>My family all together for Christmas 2012 with Dave in Canada.
and that would be it...
Tomorrow on New Years Eve as I ring in the New Year with the love of my life beside me (Dave) there will be no tears shed for the passing of 2011...and no better time is the old adage than
*"May Ole acquaintance be forgot..and never come to mind" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ljl7Va8lEro that suits the moment.
~Cycling Cafe's Diva
"Uniting a Community; one Cyclist at a time"
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*'Jump the Pond' reference from : http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/across_the_pond
*"May old aquaintance be forgot..." : Poem by "Auld Lang Syne" is a Scottish poem written by Robert Burns in 1788