I have been working on this project for what will now be 8 years this year 2019.
The idea came to me when I started to realize that not just myself but many of us are walking through life with days passing us by in a blink of an eye and it got me thinking....I wanted to appreciate every single moment. The good, the bad, the ugly because it is all significant and meaningful as part of out journey. The roads less taken and the crowds that follow ..every moment is the present. I have tried to take a photo every day of the year...I have come close one year I only missed one day, but I still have not been successful.
Is this 2019 the Golden Ticket?
I feel it just might be...so here we go...
Day #1/365 ...January 1st, 2019
#NYE #countdown #HappyNewYear
Day #2/365 ...January 2nd, 2019
Daughter #1 came by so we went for s drive to look at Christmas Lights. Then we went to get something to eat and just happened on Music BINGO!!!
~with Hope
Day #3/365 ...January 3, 2019 'Two for tea' with Alana
#cuppa #tea
Day #4/365...January 4th, 2019
Top of the year 'weigh in'...
Won't share my weight with you all ;) (haha, yes I know you can see it)
but I am not disappointed...
I have lost a solid 20 lbs since last May...wish it was more , bit all things considered I am okay with where I am at today.
Loosing the weight I gained after my accident has been a difficult chore to be honest. What with physical, mental (PTSD), and chronic pain for years now my what use to be normal daily activity and active life style has suffered greatly...so here I am learning do do what I can. Push now and then. Still learning to cut myself some slack and the BIG one..not bully myself or feel guilty later that I snoozed on a work out or training...it has been a serious learning curve on that last one...not just the letting go but consciously making it a practice to be kind to myself. * sigh
Today was a good day and nope i didn't go for my walk like i had planned/hoped But what is more important I am completely ok with that and smiling ☺
#bekind #forgiveness #acceptance #thelongjourney
Day #5/365 ...January 5th, 2019
It was a balmy 8 degrees Celsius today so I had to take off the gloves and push up the sleeves of my Puffy. Here on the overpass of the 99Hwy on 24th. I love this view of the Washington Mountains. Never tire of it.
#Mountains #Mountainview #Washington #Washingtonstate #Westcoastliving #Sharethecoast
#BeautifulBC #PNW
Day #6/365 ...January 6th, 2019
Happy Epiphany!
For years we have celebrated this day in our family...
The coming of the three Wisemen...
and we celebrate by putting our boots outside the night before.
As the Story goes...if you put your boots outside on January 5th before you slumber...
the Three Wisemen will fill them by morn for you to wake in wonder.
Have a wonderful day Everyone!
#epiphany #january6th #3wisemen #january2019
#sunday #sundayfunday
Day #7/365 ...January 7th, 2019
Having daily simple rituals helps keep me motivated, connected and grounded.
With that in mind I have been making my bed 'everyday'. I have always made my bed often. I believe if you make your bed it makes the whole room look WAY neater than it may be *wink*wink but now I am doing daily rather than just for company :)
Last year that was a bit of an issue so tweaking my 'daily'.
#hellosunshine #Goodmorning #Keepingitsimple #dailyroutine
Day #8/365 ...January 8th, 2019
Nothing like getting 'real' mail! Especially from a dear friend down under.
Luv you Kirsten xx
#mail #oldschool #letters #friends
#downunder #aussie #Australia #UK
Day #9/365 ...January 9th, 2019
Despite waking up in pain this morning it was great to push through and get this crossed off my mental 'To do List' today
>Take the Christmas Tree out of the house
-chop& bundle
>Put Santa back in the box till December (maybe November ;) ;) )
Check & Check
The tree was cut and bundled and put in brown paper bags. It will sit and dry out in the shed till the summer when it will be used for a bonfire.
#christmastree #otannenbaum #bonfire #smores #summer
Day #10/365 ....January 10th, 2019
My son came over unexpectedly today. Best surprise....and while he was here he asked me, "Hey Mom do you want to go outside and play with me? " <he is soon to be 23...but no matter>
I had been in pain at a level 10 since yesterday. Last night my neck and back completely froze up. I couldn't move.
But when he asked me to play lax with him I could not turn him down...so with no hesitation I said, "sure!"
...and outside we went.
A bit of a back story here....
Nicholas is going to be 23 on February 2nd,,,,Lacrosse has always been his first <3...but four years ago after graduating Nicholas did not receive a College Scholarship as planned/hoped for Lacrosse (through no fault of his own his coach dropped the ball. Literally!) ...and since Nicholas put his stick down and had not played once for 4 years...until today WOO HOO!
So we tossed around the ball for a while in the back yard till it started to get dark.
It was a Good Day!
Tomorrow I may be in more pain...but it will always be worth every bit of it.
My heart is filled with joy to see my kid run around loving playing his game.
#priceless #joy #motherslove #lax #lacrosse
Day #11/365 ...January 11th, 2019
*sigh ... Today is the 2 year Anniversary of the Passing of a very dear friend Greg Fraser. Not really an Anniversary one likes to celebrate so to speak but one we all support each other on. I have /had ( I hate using past tense that is one of the hard things once these things happen) known Greg since grade school at H.T. Thrift Elementary. I remember that he didn't say much in school but he always had a big great smile! Remembering that still makes me smile.
Some of us that stayed close with Greg after graduating still try to get together on this day mostly to show our love and support for his dear Mom Yvonne.
Now even though I wanted to go tonight earlier in the day I still had anxiety about this. Sure I know these people and they are great company but here are a few facts about me that very few know or see: I am an Introvert
and I have Social anxiety.
SURE I am friendly and gregarious, outgoing at times but I truly do struggle with this. I can more than hold my own with 'Meet & Greet's' cordial "Hello"'s and carry on a conversation, but past that you put me in a room of people, busy atmosphere, or crowd and I become a 'Wall Flower' within an hour and you will find me in the lou or in some quiet corner. Ya ....so I was feeling very anxious about this get together at a local pub that Greg would frequent when he was in town and back home (his second or was it third home) back in CANADA.
It was a FRIDAY night. Greg's Favourite. He often said that people in Paris didn't understand the significance of FRIDAY (or TGIF) as Canadians did. What could possibly go wrong...right?
(well I will keep that private...as it should be. Yes there was a little drama ;)
But you know all in all it was a good night. Happy to see mostly everyone...and as often happens it ended up being one of those things where you think "Should I go? Maybe I shouldn't go?" and you push and go and tell yourself "Okay I am only staying an hour tops." and you end up staying WAY longer and having the best time...and when you leave and walk home you think back and think how glad you are that you decided to go.
Greg you are very VERY missed my friend. xx
Thank you Bev for taking this photo for me ...great to see you and Al tonight and get a visit in :)
#Friends #SEMISTRONG #Paris #TGIF #Friyay #Inthehood #WhiteRock #LIFEontheROCK
Day #12/365 ...January 12, 2019
Well here we are...
Last night was a bit of a push for me having already been poorly all week. That and probably the fact that I am not 23 anymore so late nights at a Pub on a Friday Night are not really my lifestyle anymore, But it wasn't about me last night so I went and it was a fun night out with dear friends.
But today I am feeling the rubber band of last night and the whole week and it is hitting me FULL on! I am in need of some healing so I made up a batch of my Ginger Tea with honey and lemon...not the Gin! my bottle some how snuck in this photo and <photo bombed> haha
Later on I am hitting the Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup Hard!!! (I swear it cures all)
P.S. It took me 16 minutes to type this today I am just that out of it. THANK GAWD it is 'rest day' for my 30 day Plank Challenge today. *phew
Ginger Tea
(with a twist)
Cut a few slices of ginger
Put them in a pot with water bring to a boil then lower the temp to simmer and steep for at least 8 minutes
I added a cinnamon stick this time. Sometimes I add cloves.
Pour in a cup...add your honey and a squeeze of lemon and Voila!
*a squeeze of Orange would also be good with this.
Enjoy! :)
Listening to Bekah's podcast while I sip my cuppa and all is well with the World. *bliss
Thank you Bekah Martinez....loved the podcast reviewing the first night of the Bachelor Season 23 with Colton Underwood...the show was a total snooze fest but you recap was on point and fun. Cheers!
#ginger #tea #gingertea #recipe #tlc #gin #yoga #plank #30dayplankchallenge #chickensoup4thesoul #photobomb #theBachelor
Day #13/365 ...January 13th, 2019
Affogato anyone? 🍦🍨☕☀
Nothing more Canadian than tanning & relaxing in the backyard on a Sunday in mid JANUARY
<Affogato> An affogato is an Italian coffee-based dessert. It usually takes the form of a scoop of vanilla gelato or ice cream topped or "drowned" with a shot of hot espresso <Wikipedia>
#Sundayfunday #happycanadian #canadian #beautifulBC #Italiancafe #coffee #Espresso #gelato #backyard #eggnog #Affogato #January
Fiasco Gelato
Wishing my Niece Brisbane a Happy 3rd Birthday. I love you Brisie. Love, Auntie Donna
Day #14/365 ....January 14th, 2019
It may be only 8 degrees out but the sun was shining and I love having my cuppa outside when that happens.
Day #15/365 ...January 15th, 2019
In an effort to share my annual #365project2019 I was super excited today that I had arrived at the 1/2 way point of my #30dayplankchallenge...Woo Hoo right? Well...
as I try to navigate this new to me phone and Instagram I realized after I took this photo that I had a very unfortunate nip slip...
Thank you Dr.Mien for making my boobs look like they are always perky BUT...
In an effort to correct this very rookie mistake I ran in the house to grab my nip covers and quickly re-do the photo before I lost the Canadian Winter day light today....and then it HIT me.
WTF! Let's keep it 1000!...and I decided to not re-take the pic and post and roll with it.
This year I accidentally (meaning I had had no forethought or intention at all) discovered that this year I have been patiently accepting Me....one goof up at a time...come what may I was owning this one.
So here I am Nip-Slip and ALL!
*Note: I am very sorry if this offends anyone; truly.
#Namaste #acceptance #selflove #woops #Therearenoredoesinlife #whenLIFEhandsyoulemons
Day #16/365 ...January 16th , 2019
Here I was at 3:40 a.m. this morning. For no known reason I was STILL awake. Annoying af *sigh
I've had insomnia off and on now for the past 6 years since my accident and there has never been one time when it was welcome.
Recently, for the past few weeks now I have been on this track of sleeping from 5:30 a.m.-14:00. Which means I loose most of the day light hours and all of my mornings...and I am a MORNING PERSON so this is the worst!
I truly do HATE this insomnia...and I don't hate many things honestly.
I do the whole 'Wind Down/Sleep Routine' gamet of Sleep Remedies, but very seldom does ANYTHING ever work.
Here is my List of what are vary familiar and known aids to help/encourage slumber. For me they are just a list of things 'To DO':
~Chamomile tea ✔
~shower ✔
~ get outdoors everyday/fresh air ✔
~ be active every day ✔
~ No Caffeine after 15:00✔
~ Lavender lotion ✔
~ Lavender oil in the diffuser ✔
And Porn ✔
#insomnia #Insomniasucks #graveyardshiftNOT #thestruggleisVERYreal
Day #17/365...January 17, 2019
Time with Boo Boo. GAD I 💗 this kid!
#momlife #everydaymoments #everdaymom #stillyoungatheart

Day #18/365 ...January 18th, 2019
My mind was heavy today.
So in an effort to clear my head and distract myself from a pretty BIG event happening today that I was not attending, but my beautiful daughter #2 was the Maid of Honour at is her dearest best friend and #soulsister Miss. Victoria Wan...and actually now a Mrs. officially by now today....wedding.
I decided to tackle and Marie Kondo the FUCK out of my freezer....because everyone cleans their freezer to meditate right?
As I had mentioned earlier in the day during my LIVE cast on Instagram I was organizing and "Finding my Joy"
Before Marie Kondo was in diapers but I still have MAD #respect for her.
After several failed attempts to 'Story' I FINALLY mastered and kicked out my very 1st #story on #Instagram....so SO happy about that WOO HOO!
...and NOW I also have a clean functional freezer.
Helpful Tips to Organize your Freezer.
#1 Make it work for you
>Someone else's idea of organizing may not be the best for you so make sure you prioritize and make it functional for your everyday use.
(I can not stress this enough)
#3 When in doubt...THROW OUT!
That's it ....😊
#foodie #Whenindoubtthrowout #marikondo #konmari #MarieKondo #KondoShmondo #organize #Keepitsimple
#JOY #KIS #Keepitsimple
As I scrolled through Instagram today (my latest funtime obsession now that I am getting the hang of 'how to intsa') I would notice and was attracted to most of the MLK posts...and what made me pause and take a moment as I looked at the photo's of MLK and read the quotes what stood out to me and made me breathe was a sense of hope and great pride in the fact that I had chose like minded individuals to <follow> on Instagram. *Sigh :)
#slowcooker #healthy #chickensoup4thesoul
Special thank you to Steamworks for the Venue...
however the service was really sub-par as was the food. Disappointing to say the least especially for a Birthday. :(
#tgif #friyay #friday #heartsandrainbows #hearts #cuppa #tea #pjs #fashion#books #chocolate #yummy #coconut #vegan #fraichenutrition #bookclub#loveyourself #love
*I attempted to make Tori's super yummy coconut clouds of heaven I like to call thrm...they did not turn out picture perfect but let me tell you folks they taste AMAZING. You have to try them. Check out Fraîche Nutrition for the recipe. Enjoy! And thank you Tori 💗☺🙌💐
Also a special thank to Jillian Harris for featuring these on her story when she went over to Tori's and kept snacking on them..truth be told the only reason i linked up to and checked out Fraîche Nutrition in the first place. So thank you Jill. Good looking out 😊"
Out of Gas ...and all the Jerry Cans are empty as well....lol
News of Ashley's accomplishment s and growing business took wind and we all started following her's and the companies continued growth and success...
Fast forward and here I was in a room of so many inspirational, inspiring, successful women taking in the wisdom and know how from the small panel and pinching myself.
I kept asking myself .."how did I get here?"
But I was there. So as the women embarked on an adventure of business knowledge and truths. I listened on intently realizing how very lucky I was.
Thank you 🙏
'The day after' is always a tough one for me. So I like to keep my routine simple.
Happy Birthday Babe.
You may no longer be aging....
Which you probably are pretty excited about, but you are thought of often, missed always and my love forever.
^Chuck Casillas 1942 - 2007
'Cinco de Medal'
Day #125/365...May 5th, 2019
All day Volunteering at @bmovanmarathon
So much fun. One of my fav's for helping out at for sure.
But it was a busy day for sure.
We celebrate Cinco de Mayo in our family and it also being my niece's 1st birthday and more it was a jam packed day. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
'Thong tha thong thong thong"
Day #127/365...May 7th, 2019
1st day of the year wearing flip flops all day. So happy! 🌞
'Beautiful mornings"
Day #128/365...May 8th, 2019
3rd day of recovery. I have learned that this is how it goes now with me after I have given a lot for one day. Since my accident it is just how things roll.
Had fun shadowing/helping my daughter today as she did more of her event planning shtuff.
This moment: My daughter and my dear friend @1esson from high school teaching her the 'ropes', literally, made my heart sing today.
Thank you so much Shawneen. 💕Ya.
"Fan girling Sprinkler weather"
Day #130/365....May 10th, 2019
Happy Friday! .
I was having a relaxing morning. Watering the garden. Listening to the birds as I sat outside eating my breakie and then I thought I should get in to gear and start my errands.
So I got dressed and got ready and then realized my wallet was missing. 😱
Well after panicing and turning my home ( that I spent all day yesterday cleaning) upside-down I still was coming up empty so I re thought my steps and figured out where I remembered having it last.
So I was out the door and off to the Dollar Store...and THANK GAWD!!!! It was there....since THURSDAY! Geesh
So glad. That and it had my CA DL in it and That would have been bad if I lost that. So relieved.
It may not look glamorous but I made myself food so that is a positive sign. Starting to come to terms with my bike being stolen. Made some progress today. I'll take it. Maybe tmr I will get dressed and actually go outside. Baby steps.
My son is pretty busy being in his 20's so I don't get to see him that often. So today was a nice treat. We got a walk in on the trails and a good talk as well. Goodtimes. Love that kid.
I rolled up on my new bike ( I had just bought it March 3rd) locked it and went in...fully intending to be 10 min. I was so tired I started taking forever looking at everything I didnt need. I realized an 1hr and 30 min later that I should cash out and head home but when I walked outside I did a double take...
"Huh" " Where was my bike" "Wait is this the right door?"...and then it hit me...my bike had been <STOLEN>
After the long hours putting the pathway an reno-ing the patio a second day in bed is warranted...so I took it.
Love getting real mail.
That moment when you realize you left your shotgun out while your Airbnb guest was staying. Oops. Haha
Heavy prep for daughter #1's 30th.
Day #175/365....June 24th, 2019
Oh my gosh. I 💗 this brand of black licorice. It is so hard to find and I was told that it had gone out of distribution. So So excited to find it today at @naturesfaremarkets. Woot! #winning 👍
'Woops' 👎
Day #176/365...June 25th, 2019
Oh oh....so I realized late tonight that I had gone through my whole day and forgotten to take a photo to document. Woops.
It doesn't mean it was an uneventful day or a bad one it just means I forgot. It happens.
This photo may not be great but at least I remembered to take 'A' photo at all. This project has been ruined the past 7 years from completely forgetting to take 'any' photo at all...and the one and only rule of this whole #365project is to take a photo each and every day.
So here it is. Not great but still a ✅
'Feelin my new brazier'
Day #179/365....June 28th, 2019
I had had my eye on these super cute & cumf bra from @thehandpickedhomeshop ....you gotta get you one!
yay...I found a back up file!'
Day #180/365 ...June 29th, 2019
I went back and changed a few things when I found this lost back up photo. Phew...💗'd making my watermelon Popsicle's today.
'Red & White'
Day #181/365....June 30th, 2019
Pretty keen to get ready for tomorrow's Canada Day.
I am 1/2 way through my 365 Project! Woot!
'Happy Canada Day?'
Day #182/365...July 1st, 2019
Went to the @richmondnightmarket for Canada Day fun fun.
'Pedi please'
Day #183/365...July 2nd, 2019
Much needed Pedicure before leaving for the week with @bcbikerace
'Snail Mail'
Day #184/365...July 3rd, 2019
I love sending mail especially to daughter #4 💗💗💗
'Prism in the Park'
Day #185/365...July 4th, 2019
Prism for a long time has been in the family. Back in the day my great Uncle played with the OG band and today my Uncle Mark was carrying on the legacy.
Loved catching their show in my hood right by the beach with all to see.
One person even stopped me and wanted to take their photo with me because I told her my Uncle was in the band. I thought it was funny but honestly I was just really proud and happy I had taken time to come check it out.
Prism July 4th, 2019 White Rock, B,C,
'Day 0...557 riders, 37 countries and the best week on a bike that's @bcbikerace '
Day #186/365...July 5th, 2019
Let's do this!
'That moment when you look in to the crowd and you see your brother in the 1st wave of riders' <proud sister moment>
Day #187/365...July 6th, 2019
Enough said.
Day #19/365 ...January 19th, 2019
Colter Wall at The Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver with my beautiful daughter #3 Ashley having an amazing evening. Special Thank you goes out to Jason Momoa a.k.a. Aquaman for being such a 'Stand Up Guy and a 'True' Gentleman (a blog on that later..."Where have all the Gentlemen gone?")
and also a thank you to Lisa Bonet for 'face timing with my beautiful daughter #3 and letting us keep her up WAY past her bedtime ...sorry about that Lisa. Hope you got a good nights sleep despite the hour. Thank you both SO MUCH!!! You made our night!
#colterwall #jasonmomoa. #lisabonet. #country #countrymusic #jonnycash #goodoleboy #cowboyup #commadore #Vancouver #PNW #sharethecoast #westcoastliving #beautifulBC #daughters #Momlife #blessed
Colter Wall
Day #20/365 ,,,January 20th, 2019
Came home to this lovely surprise on my door this morning. A handmade paper flower from the beautiful new Bride Victoria ( Indy) Wan's wedding this past Friday January 18th, 2019. Flowers made by my incredibly talented daughter #3, Stephanie....and very thoughtfully left at my door by Miss. Alana Davis.
Thank you so much for dropping this odd last night Alana, sorry I wasn't home to see you before you left this morning back to your 'Dream Job' working with the Edmonton Oiler's Woot Woot!
Thank you for thinking of me and have a good flight.
Day #21/365 ...January 21st, 2019
" ...accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."
-Martin Luther King
It may be 'Blue Monday' today, but I am feeling nothing but #joy.
I have all I need to make it a great day!
Happy #MLK day everyone. What a great day to reflect on amazing influential, inspiring people that have shared their lives with all of us.
Healthy Hooch Kombucha...no start to any day is complete without it..trust me!
I have been nursing reading my Deepak Chopra book now for almost 10 years...it isn't because I read slow or have anything to do with my brain injury. It is simply that I want to take my time and truly take in bits and pieces at a time. #peace and #love ...true true bliss.
I never tire of this..."I have a Dream"
#MartinLutherKing #MLK #bluemonday
#joy #DeepakChopra #happy #goodlife #cuppa #tea #time4me #momlife #smile #SEMISTRONG
#h2h #healthynooch #namaste #kombucha #IhaveaDREAm
"E pluribus unum" - Barrak Oboma
<out of many one>
We have a tech difficulty brb
Day #22 /365 ...January 22, 2019
This morning I woke up to the very fragrant aroma of rich savoury smell....it was wafting through my kitchen and I think at times permeated my sleep REM
I had the Slow Cooker on all night making this gorgeous golden Chicken Stock from the chicken I roasted last night. I tend to follow a mostly vegan/veg./yoga/hypie lifestyle and healthy living plan...but everyone once in a 'Blue Moon' I need an animal protein and since yesterday was 'Blue Monday' it seemed appropriate...(that and remember last week when I #kondod my freezer and the chicken didn't fit in the freezer any longer....so I put it in the fridge to defrost...ya I may have had a push to make this) . Normally I listen to my body for when I need more than ;plant based' food..and right now since I seem to have a low grade cold that is dragging me down all I have wanted is Chicken Soup...so there you go. Although tonight I made Risotto...I know again. Twice in one week...it is still winter I guess I am craving comfort food.
Day #23/365 ...January 23rd, 2019
I needed to get out of the house, get some fresh air, clear the funk and sickies out of my head and body and just reconnect with nature again...so I hugged a tree. (as you do right?)
I still do not have a #selfie stick so this was the best I could do...that and the phone is not taking photos anymore..something to do with it "can not right/save to file" or something... I am not tech savy at all (if you haven't been able to tell already) so not sure but hoping it corrects itself soon because I am going to need the camera to work on this phone if my life is to be simplified by it . Anyway I am super happy with all the things I have learned to do so far on Instagram and on the phone I am starting to get the hang of things so yay me!
#nature #Naturegirl #Canadian #canadiangirl #PNW #beautifulBC #sharethecoast #westcoastliving #freshair #Hugatree #tree
Day #24/365 ...January 24th, 2019
This little jewel is bringing me so much joy!
I 💗 Paper-White's
#paperwhites #springflowers #KIS #joy
Day #25/365 ...January 25th, 2019
"If there's another World, he lives in bliss;
If there is none, he made the Best of this." -Robbie Burns
Slainte...from this French Canadian Brit/Scott.
Recipe: Hot Toddy
#Scottland #scottish #Scottishlass #uk #slainte #Whiskey #onerock #Gladstone
Day #26/365...January 26th, 2019
There is a story to this photo...
I completely blame Taylor Lunday for finding myself half way around the World in this Amazing Blue City.
Day #27/365 ...January 27th, 2019
First Monthly Fam Dinner Officially in the books. We are off to a good start.
<Hope, Ashley, Trevor in attendance>
#momlife #family #fam #famdinner #tfamdinner2019 #comfortfood #beansnrice
Day #28/365 ...January 28th, 2019
...and then there are Monday mornings like this one...
I opened my email this morning to some GREAT NEWS.....
Late Thursday I received the dreaded JURY SUMMONS letter in the Mail...of course it came on Thursday I was so stressed out I could not sleep Thursday night at all because I ended up having a major anxiety attack about even the proposition of going to Court....
I have spent way WAY to much time in a Court room and I vowed years ago after everything to get my kids back to Never EVER return to a court room! So I had valid reasons for my anxiety about the situation. That and I had a legitimate excuse as well that I was truly hoping would play in my favour...
BUT I tried several times to submit my response via internet and I kept having problems Thursday Night (again because of my brain injury issues I simply could not figure it out). I took another try at it Friday and finally realized my mistake and was able to submit my request to be excused from
Jury Duty...
but of course it was now the wknd. so I had to wait ALL weekend and try my best to put it out of mind (which of course I couldn't, I mean not really)
....then FINALLY this morning I got this email and was SO relieved
....there are not many times that I am thankful for legitimately having a brain injury but this is for sure one of those times that I am.
#JuryDuty #Monday #MondayMonday #Thankmyluckystars #thankGAWD
Day #29/365 ...January 29th, 2019
Woke up to the Sun peeping through my curtains. Truth be told I have one of my migraines it was triggered by all the garden work I got inspired to do yesterday. I wouldn't say I over did it but it did irritate my injured areas thus initiating my migraine to really lay in to me last night and while I slept...I mean if I slept that is putting my REM mildly at best...so seeing the sun this morning was great for my motivation yet I am still in excruciating pain...I take nothing for my pain btw. I wanted to get out while the sun was shining so went for a brief walk on the Semiahmoo Trail. I think/hope the fresh air did me some good...slightly less on the pain scale but this one is for sure going to be a three dayier.
Good Morning Sun ☀
#Migraine #Survivor #Youaremysunshine #morning #goodmorningsunshine #smile #wintersun
*Note: I really need to clean my screen door. eek.
Day #30/365 ...January 30th, 2019
Today was Canada's Bell Let's Talk Campaign raising funds and awareness to Mental Health &
Well-being. In support of that cause everyone that text #Bellletstalk or Tweeted Bell would donate 5 cents to the cause...the raised an amazing amount $7,2 Million! WOW!!! Well done CANADA!
I went for a my daily walk to boost my Serotonin
Which are key for maintaining a Healthy Mental Well Being.
So I was Getting my #HAPPY on!
Day #31/365 ...January 31st, 2019
What I
most about this project is I can not predict what I am going to take a photo of each day. Today I was planning on taking a pic of my very organized closet that I worked on till 5 a.m. this morning until I opened my new box of Q-tips and I swear my heart skipped a beat. It made my ocd so so #happy

Day #32/365 ...February 1st, 2019
I know yesterday I posted the pic of my 'Garbage' and this certainly does not happen very often
Meaning normally once I have chosen my "Photo of the day" for this project that is it. I seldom EVER change my mind...
Bit it has been bugging me all damm day because...
Last night I had the BEST night hanging out with my kid at YEW lounge
(somewhere I have longed to go for years now actually..not sure why I had not gone before but such is life) and there we were just sitting at the bar with a couple Pints enjoying each others company and talking about Life. It was a special evening for sure. So today I decided that I just had to change the photo for Day #32.
Because a picture of Garbage just doesn't come close on the 'Good Happy Vibe Scale' to spending time with my son.
Day #33/365 ...February 2nd, 2019
Happy Birthday to the handsome guy in the right...
Ignore his annoying sister on the left haha
(No seriously she needed to be ignored tonight. She was over the top annoying with her pouty moodiness. She even literally walked out when Nicholas' Birthday cake was brought in. All because the night wasn't about her..honestly 26 my ass...more like 2 years old Geesh. Unfortunetly her attitude truly ruined Nicholas special evening and he had a lot to say about it on the way home. Very sad. #sisterfail)
Nicholas I am so proud of the Man you are becoming. You are so thoughtful, driven and abitious. I am constantly inspired by you and hope Life continues to challenge and help you grow as a person.
I love you Nicholas.
Love, Mum
Also celebrating a Birthday is the lovely @mykennajean. Happy Birthday Mykenna. Wishing you a year of laughter, adventure and fun.
Is 23 to young for him to go on 'The Bachelor' ?
#happybirthday #Groundhogday
#1son #momlife
http://steamworks.com/brew-pubSpecial thank you to Steamworks for the Venue...
however the service was really sub-par as was the food. Disappointing to say the least especially for a Birthday. :(
Day #34/365 ...February 3rd, 2019
Cold News
Get it while it is Cold!
For one day and one day only Snow today.
Our cold Westcoast Special...
Today I was just leisurely hanging out in my PJ's and cozy robe all day.
Leisurely sipping my coffee whilst watching the snow fall all day.
As I stared out my French doors I realized I really needed to get my lazy butt in gear, jump in to my Wellie's and cover my baby herbs while I can with hope's that not to much damage had been done by the snow and sudden below freezing drop in temp. Eeek!
#Bliss #westcoastliving #beautifulbc #sharethecoast #herbs #cuppa #coffee #coffeemoments #canadiangirl
Day #35/365 ...February 4th, 2019
Gong Hey Fa Choy
Celebrating Chinese New Year with my #1 Son and neighbour friends.
Nicholas was loving everything about our dinner plans tonight. From the vast selection of Chinese cuisine, from every region, the company shared and the fact that he had a captive audience to practice his Mandarin all evening. ...and the old ladies were so impressed with his conversation skills and knowledge. So was I. I had heard him speak a little Mandarin in passing before but nothing like this evening. I like everyone was very surprised...and I was very proud as well of my kid. When he get's passionate about something he is fully invested. Love that.
Great Evening!
#chineseny #yearofthepig #HNY #Mandarin #proudmom #momlife
Day #36/365 ...February 5th, 2019
Feels like I have been burning the candle at both ends this past two weeks. Between being sick, having a raging UTI, and just go go go lately I needed to get back to the #Celerycleanse
to give me a boost.
Day #37/365 ...February 6th, 2019
I am on my 3rd day cleaning my closet. It is taking time for sure but I am doing it in stages so I don't get overwhelmed. Almost done. Today I came across my land-yard from when I was Director working at Pacific Palisades Rec& PARK. I got a bit nostalgic when I saw this. It took me back to a a really good time. One when I loved work. I was respected doing what I loved and in love. It was a good time. I miss it and I miss Chuck (always)
#lalife #socalliving #socalgirl
Day #38/365 ...February 7th, 2019
Great evening at Science of Cocktails supporting Science World's Field Trip Program
I was Volunteering at this event this evening but still had time to check out all the very cool goings on. Funny story...I realized on Monday when I attended the Volunteer meeting that I had NEVER been inside Science World...which is CRAZY since it has been around for over 32 years. It was part of EXPO'86 which I worked at , and while you worked at EXPO you had privileges to visit any and all pavilions and exhibits...some how...and I really have no idea how this ever happened to tell you the truth...I went around the Big Ball, I did a fashion photo-shoot with it in the back ground, I have been past it dozens of times riding my bike along the False Creek path, my kids have been there many times once even for a grad (that was a memorable night and not one I will soon forget...Ashley passed out and her friend called me as I could hear sirens in the background coming for my daughter...that was a horrifying long night) but I had never been inside so finally this week I can now say I have been to Science World FINALLY haha....and since I volunteered I get to return to have some more fun as they comp'ed us 2 tickets for a future visit.
#Cocktails #ScienceWorld #YVR #Vancouver #ScienceofCocktails
Good to see Leila Kwok this evening as well.
Day #39/365 ...February 8th, 2019
Insomnia is still kicking my butt.
But I just had the #Bestdreamever...
I dreamt I was renting a place in Whistler and I was in the Village where I happened to bump in to Jillian Harris
(woot..this has happened once before when we shared a flight to LA and she was my seat partner...she was great company) She mentioned to me that she and her fam were also renting a place in Whistler just down the road from where I was staying.
She invited me over (which of course I gleefully accepted) we hung out afterwards and started to build a friendship.
So basically this was like a dream come true kind of a dream,
but then I woke up and realized it was Friday haha
(this morning on insta story JH mentioned she was having a "Great Saturday Morning" it was funny...all us Mumma's have had Momma brain before. Happens to the best of us....that and with her crazy schedule the past few weeks no wonder she got her days mixed up)
#whoknows #fingerscrossed #thereisstilltime #fingerscrossed #maybeoneday #teamjilly
#JillianHarris #dreamsdocometrue✨
Day #40/365 ...February 9th, 2019
"By George I think she's got it!" ~My Fair Lady
It was aa bit of work to figure this out and do it from scratch...I really messed up my counter top haha
Giovane's Cafe at the Fairmont Pacific Rim Vancouver makes it look easy. This photo may not be 'Insta' perfect...which I am actually okay with.
Spilt coffee never hurt.
I think I mastered this Banana Coconut latte
Jillian Harris is always talking about these and thought I would give it a go.
#happysaturday Yes it is Saturday for real ( haha inside JH joke. It still makes me giggle)
#latte #hempmilk #coffee #cloudsinmycoffee #Caaeineaddict #jillianharris
Recipe: Banana Coconut Latte
- 1 banana
-Coconut Milk
- Shot of Espresso
- Milk of choice ( I prefer Hemp Milk Unsweetened)
- Pinch of cinnamon
- Toasted Coconut
- Weigh the Banana (peeled) then blend equal amounts of Banana with Coconut Milk
- only use a portion of that blend (puree)
...a good dollop or as Giovane's Cafe say's " a generous squeeze" of the bottle of prepared puree they have on hand.
- add your Espresso
- Heated/frothed Milk ( I used my Magic Mixer to get a froth on my milk )
Add a pinch of cinnamon and the toasted coconut for garnish and Voila!
Special than you to @jillian,harris for sharing
To @fairmontpacific #giovanecafe for the inspiration.
The snow returned today for a second showing this year.
I was inspired to head out in the fluffy white stuff by Aimee @Whataimeesaw 's gorgeous photo she posted on her instagram story today. Even though I was perfectly happy staying indoors I did venture out for a wee bit.
I took this selfie today that I was some what satisfied with; I guess.
I remember back in the day taking selfie's with my actual camera before there were fancy foo foo phones that snap perfect preset Instagram photos for us with little to no fuss at all.
I would take my own selfie's because I was to shy to ask for help to have someone take a photo of me...and look some 8 years later and it is now 'A thing'. Who knew
Anyway I am not a fan of taking selfies of myself at the best of times. Let alone the added pressure to have my selfie look Instagram perfect...and believe you me I have researched :How to take the perfect Instagram Photo" on line and watched many @Youtube videos...to no avail ( in my opinion ) I swear my photos looked far better with my camera, on actual film.
Anyway I am not a fan of taking selfies of myself at the best of times. Let alone the added pressure to have my selfie look Instagram perfect...and believe you me I have researched :How to take the perfect Instagram Photo" on line and watched many @Youtube videos...to no avail ( in my opinion ) I swear my photos looked far better with my camera, on actual film.
If I am being fully transparent here (which has been one of my goals this year) if truth be told as much as I love photography and taking loads of photos I much prefer to be behind the camera rather than in front of it.
But here I am trying yet again to put myself out there. I do not care for photos of myself traditionally
But here I am trying yet again to put myself out there. I do not care for photos of myself traditionally
( I am far to critical of how I look in them ,,,and often think I look terrible )
This year though I am trying a few new things to see if I can be happy with what I see and with that build my confidence to do more, and put myself out there more in the future.
This 'Selfie' turned out not to bad, if I do say so myself, and the composition is growing on me. I kinda like it. Not at all what I was going for, but it works.
#goodday #selfiesunday #selfie #Sundayfunday #Snowday #westcoastliving #Westcoastgirl #Canadiangirl #PNW #onelifeliveit
Day #42/365 ,,,February 11th, 2019
I thought this would make a funny pic for Instagram. I even painted my toes so my nails would >POP<
OMG this was not fun or funny!
Don't try this at home!
#snow #snowday #Cnadiangirl #donttrythisathome #MondayMonday
Day #43/365 ...February 12th, 2019
Congratulations to @Jillian.Harris and #teamJilly on the launch of their amazing Presets. Can not wait to get my hands on these and start having some #editing fun.
If you would like to learn more check out ...
and to order ...
Hurry this week >ONLY< the Presets will be $50
Next week they go up to $65. So het them whole they are HOT!
Day #44/365 ...February 13th, 2019
Snow Night Ride...so much fun!
This was my first ride with my Kona Jake the Snake CX bike...I have only ridden it a handful of times since getting it 4 years ago...
First Snow Night Ride and solo
The PTSD was in check my shoulders didn't tighten up to much. I had one slip out hard fall
My bum will feel it in the a.m.
This was a LOT for me...really! HUGE!
I seldom feel like riding to be honest and I have actually wanted to get in the saddle since it started snowing 3 days ago, very unusual. So happy this went so well.
Starting to feel like my 'Old Self' I think...I mean I really don't remember who or how I was pre-accident...so I hope this is the happy I use to have..even if it isn't I am just happy to be HAPPY!
#snow #snowday #cx #cyclocross #nightride #funfun #humpday #ptsd. #happyplace #smile #PNW #beautifulbc #sharethecoast ##westcoastliving #Canadiangirl #canada #kona #konabikes. #jakethesnake #cyclecafes #ridehappy
Day #45/365 ...February 14th, 2019
Ya ya it's Valentines Day Big deal!
And I am SO OVER all the "Love Yourself" crap that has been trending since New Years...today is like your National Holiday. Give it a rest please we get it. FUCK!
and Yes I did take this phot and I am pretty damn proud of myself!
Day #46/365 ...February 15th, 2019
Here is the picture perfect photo I posted on Social media today with this write up
(you'll want to read what follow's the write up...TRUST ME! )
<Original Post on Istagram and Facebook>
"Day #46....February 15th, 2019
I made an executive decision to make today a PJ day 😊 you can thank me later....#tgif #friyay #friday #heartsandrainbows #hearts #cuppa #tea #pjs #fashion#books #chocolate #yummy #coconut #vegan #fraichenutrition #bookclub#loveyourself #love
*I attempted to make Tori's super yummy coconut clouds of heaven I like to call thrm...they did not turn out picture perfect but let me tell you folks they taste AMAZING. You have to try them. Check out Fraîche Nutrition for the recipe. Enjoy! And thank you Tori 💗☺🙌💐
Also a special thank to Jillian Harris for featuring these on her story when she went over to Tori's and kept snacking on them..truth be told the only reason i linked up to and checked out Fraîche Nutrition in the first place. So thank you Jill. Good looking out 😊"
But here is what is ACTUALLY going on today....
I was doing SO great leading up to Valentine's, I really was.
Like I am for real so comfortable and happy being single I really do love it, but something inside me triggered last night after my son cancelled dinner plans and I went to that dark place ...
I was missing Chuck again, and crying
then I started with one glass of my fine Whiskey
(with two rocks... so I eased in)
then that went to one rock
then two shots with no rocks
and well you get the picture...
I just kept falling further and further down the 'Rabbit hole'
Apparently I tried to dip my coconut candy in melted chocolate on the stove...
ya do NOT dip things in melted chocolate when you are drinking...
not a good idea.!
(This from sober me now.)
I also went on-line and posted this on <facebook>...at 1 a.m.
<no one should be able to access social media once they have had more than a couple drinks....not sure how many whiskey's I am invested in at the moment>
At least I had the forethought at the time to mark my privacy setting on that post last night to
'Only Me'
So my kids nor myself were fully embarrassed by my post...
of course until today, but this Blog is all about being transparent so there you go.
If that was not enough I also went on 'Plenty of Fish' last night
and started to talk to some guy who now can not wait to KISS me...great!
Look here is the thing.
I made a decision years ago
(and at the time it wasn't an easy decision... I have questioned it many times only because I feel like I am being pressured by society to couple up)
to be SINGLE
and since making that decision I have truly loved being Single!
It has been very liberating and I absolutely love the calm that comes with that status...
no more dealing with any BS, drama, or a roller-coaster of emotions.
<Remember... my last boyfriend fell off his apartment building in Paris two years ago and died
and the Boyfriend before him cheated on me for two years after we had a miscarriage
and the Love of my Life died of a Brain Tumor after we beat the colon Cancer...
So ya I would say I was done with relationships.>
But at least today I know one thing for sure....
The Idiot that said "I couldn't get a hangover because I had brain damage"
was full of SHIT!
I proved them wrong....Yay me....AUGH!
whisper please
Day #47/365...February 16th, 2019
Sometimes you are just to damn hungry to take a 'Before' photo
That, and I was so happy to not have a queezy stomach today I just wanted to eat something solid.
....this WAS my classic Avocado Toast with a quick runny fried egg and Kalamata Tapenade from BobAli Hummus, Pesto and Tapenades
...it was yummy; trust me.😏
#yummy #avocadotoast
Day #48/365 ...February 17th, 2019
It took some doing today but after days of being stuck in the house for days (ptsd stuff)
I managed to finally get out to "go to church" as Stephanie Hirch puts it
(basically it means going for a walk/hike in God's country)
I was motivated by her today after watching her 'live' very raw IG story today. This Woman is INSPIRATIONAL you should check her out.
<Mom's Wear Capes>
Thank you Lady!
#godscountry #momlife #rainbows #momswearcapes
- @ Semiahmoo Trail
Day #49/365 ...February 18th, 2019
It's 'Family Day' today and I am feeling just meh.
This is basically what empty-nesting looks like in a nut-shell.
Don't get me wrong I am not mopping around. Far from it. But I do miss my babies everyday.
I get that they are doing their thing, hustling, figuring life out, and preoccupied with being fiercely independent and I respect all of that, it just doesn't rationalize at all the empty feeling you get as a loving Mom who's best-friends are busy being in their 20's.
Anyway when it comes to a long weekend like it is with this made up Stat Holiday
(a few years old now)
it doesn't really register with me personally when one I am an empty-nester, single & retired.
It is basically just another longgg day <period>
So I took it easy today. Puttered about at home for most the day.
Started a project (still in the beginner stages more on this later)
<Himt- It is a legacy project for my kids>
figured it was a good way to celebrate family day to start a project for my family
to treasure when I am gone...I often think about things like this since my accident...
all my objects have already been labeled with intendies as well ( did that right after my accident)
#Familyday #Canadiangirl #emptynester #momlife
Day #50/365 ...February 19th, 2019
This was a great evening...much more than was expected...but with all of that and one of my migraines on the horizon I need an overnight on this to post.
BrB...thank you
Okay I am ready to speak on this now...
I know some of you might be thinking "what is the big deal she went to a speaking event and came home " ...and I get that
Let me speak a moment to the purpose of this project I started years ago.
Most of us, myself included, race through our lives with little regard to how fast it passes and how very vital each and every moment is regardless of how mundane or important we feel it is
When I first saw the adverts to this Speaking Engagement Vikram Vij @ Natures Fare Market
I of course thought to myself "hmm cool. I like him maybe I will go"
Fast forward to the day and the lower-mainland was for the 3rd time in the past week under seige of Mother Nature and another snow fall had just hit us hours before this was to start.
Was I going to go still or not?
Well we know the answer and I am so glad I did.
Originally I had thought this would be your standard...Fav Chef comes he says a few words, he talks a little, he cooks a little and then he signs his books for fans. All good stuff right.
Yes it was all of that but what I loved the most was it was WAY more than I expected...
Chef Vikram Vij is a 'Story Teller' and a good one at that...and the things that he shared and the principles of how he lives his life and his advice for all of us really resonated with me in a way that I needed to let it all sink in.
I truly enjoyed last night of course and it was very nice to meet this man. I thanked him , gave him a huge hug and kissed his cheek after saying a couple words to him. (which I will keep private)
But after we spoke he most graciously then thanked me in the most humble way and their were tears in his eyes. I was unbelievably moved by it all.
This Man came to share and teach all of us, our Community, but what he really did was give us the biggest gift ever. He shared himself.
I felt so connected last night..not to the moment or the event or people around me but simply connected. Here was a person that shared basic principals that I value in my life....and that meant the world.
I am not sure if I am getting what I am feeling across here so I will wind this up but last night was a special night. Very Special thank you to Hayley from Nature's Fare Markets that worked so hard to make this all happen. and of course to Vikram Vij and as he said to all the women in his restaurant that roasted the spices...the whole place smelled unbelievably amazing last night as he cooked.
That curry was made with love people.
I will come back to this and add some more and share the recipe as well.
Day #51/365 ...February 20th, 2019
This was my view most of the day. This is the reality of my day. Nothing shiny and totally 100.
( it's been 6 yrs since my accident )
It is a gorgeous sunny day outside...so inviting...and I wish I could go out and play.
despite my will I am stuck in bed with my heating pad on full blast and I have one of my classic migraines. *sad face
I was so excited for the day too. No big plans or any plans just was excited for another day.
Now just dissapointed
I did feel this coming on late last night so it wasn't a surprise but I was truly hoping it would be better this morning. One thing I have learned about me and my body after dealing with recovery is to know when I can push through and when I need to really rest and this is one of those "I need to rest" moments. But I will say I was so excited last night to actually fall asleep before dawn but that did not change me still waking up at 3:00 p.m. still for the 4rd time this week...
I hate this my insomnia is off the charts the worst it has ever been .
NOTHING WORKS! (trust me!)
So I am trying to ride it out and hope that my bodies own natural rhythm restores itself.
And here I am having 'Breakfast' at 5:20 p.m.
<Question: Is Breakfast/Brunch/Lunch/Dinner based on order or time of day?>
Moral of the Day: Life is to short to waste a day being poorly
(sadly sometimes it simply can not be helped)
#carpediem #Migrainesaretheworst #ptsd #Insomniasucks #sunnyday
Day #52/365 ...February 21st, 2019
Watching the sun rise this morning at 6:52 a.m. and I still had not slept.
On the upside though being a morning person ..I mean I love mornings...
and with this insomnia wave I am on recently I have been missing all morning sunlight which for me is the worst! So I was pretty happy (sleep deprived and all) to watch the sun come up and then I knocked out so hard and slept till 3:12 exactly again..not sure if that time is significant or what but I have been hitting it for 3 days in a row now...Yay me.
#insomniasucks #brightside #morningperson #sunrise
Day #53/365 ...February 22, 2019
My best friend.
#bff #pepperminthalo
Saje Wellness
Day #54/365 ...February 23rd, 2019
The snow is melting finally so after a few days of playing 'shut in' I had to at least step outside and take a closer look at these beauties that I spotted from my closed French Door.
So glad I did. Spring and the resilience of nature and Spring flowers blooming especially after just being covered by a week of snow never ceases to amaze me time and time again.
Day #55/365 ...February 24th, 2019
Today was our Monthly Family Dinner Night and seeing as my son was the only one able to make it I decided to head in to Vancouver to meet him when he finished his shift
before that I had a few minutes to squeeze in a quick skate at Robson Square.
Something I have been trying to do all Season and just have not made the effort but today was the last day before they closed for the Season so I packed up my old Figure Skates
(same pair I used to use when I figure skated when I was 12 years old back in the '70's)
Headed in on the Sunset ride Bus to Vancouver just in time to get there right when they were cleaning the ice. PERFECT timing....through my skates on...and off I went for a whole
10 minutes <haha>
Oh well. The point wasn't how long it was that I did.
See Skating at Robson Square has been a tradition for me ever since it opened back in 1983.
I skated there all the time and would take my youngest sister there as well to practice her skating.
It closed in 2000 and I was really scared the tradition was lost forever but Vancouver fixed it up for the Olympics and it reopened in 2009 and I have gone every year since.
It's Tradition. ..."and you don'e mess with Tradition"
#Figureskating #figureskater4life #Vancouver
Day #56/365 ...February 25th, 2019
Feeling really blah today...
and falling asleep at 8:30 a.m walking up at 15:30 isn't helping matters.
I am for sure over this sleep pattern. I tried to ride it out hoping it would change but it is stuck in and it is messing up my rhythm more than I think if I were to try to force it to get back on track...
so the next few days are going to be brutal because I am now setting my alarm/s and it won't be pretty!
Anyway the plan I had originally for today...
Get up walk uptown and treat myself to a gluten free donut and coffee at Nature's Fare has dun gone out the window now with this late rising so Plan B it is...
I am just not sure what that is yet haha
But when I peeled back my covers I took a look at my legs and was happy with what I saw...
I mean I wasn't hating on my legs appearance. Of course that may also be because I can not remember the last time I didn't wear long pj's to bed...this Winter has been tough. But last night I had my heater on in the bed so long-john's were out.
What I am trying to say is today seeing my peg's when I got out of bed made me smile...and really that is all that matters.
*Note: this photo is 'Raw; no filter/preset was used
Day #57/365...February 26th, 2019
I decided to take advantage of my sleepless nights and after taking my time, much work on this project, and some procrastinating I finally finished organizing my closet.
I am pretty pleased with how it turned out.
When I moved two years ago and downsized I found myself with decades of 'Stuff' a lot of it...
heck most of it is Things belonging to the kids.
After 30 30 years of raising kids you tend to accumulate a far bit. I tried my best to get rid of the majority but I am a sentimental Fool so I still have a far amount. My closet although amazing and my first 'Walk in Closet' <I call it my spare bedroom lol>
although fairly large doesn't just store my cloths. In the move I lost storage space so it is my linen cupboard, my sewing room, my book shelves and shed..
Because my bike stays in there as well. Gotta keep my Baby close you know.
I am pretty thrilled with all my hard work and looking forward to how much easier my comings and goings when I get busy in the Summer and Fall will be because I made the time to do this now when things are slow.
#sparkingjoy #mariekindowho #mariekondoshmondo
Day #58/365 ...February 27th, 2019
Woooooo Hoooooo
It's finally here!!!!
Oh how I have missed you Rumble
Oh and the 'gluten' free donut from Nature's Fare Markets was delish.
#Pinkshirtday #antibullying
Day #59/365 ...February 28th, 2019
Today would have been my 30th wedding anniversary...had we stayed married that is.
Don't get me wrong my X-Husband is a wonderful man...kind, funny and a great dad.
We just weren't well suited and it took us 12 years of trying Marriage every which way including sideways to try and get it right and we still couldn't.
Regardless of our divorce OMG I just realized it's been 20 years eek WOW time flies...
Well as I was saying aside from our divorce I still remember this day every year and look back on it with fondness..
Our Wedding day and the days leading up to it ..Now that is a STORY!!!!
Readers Digest Version:
We Met in August
Dated for a Month then I got pregnant
We were together one more month
Then I left to go back to Canada
Where I stayed for 4 months (then 5 months prego's)
When I called Eric on Valentine's Day February 14th, 1989
Asked him to MARRY ME...
He said ...
No he didn't say yes he said "Well I guess"
a week later I returned back to Los Angeles
Still with no idea where we were getting married,
or who would marry us (because that was a real BIG issue)
and I was sewing my dress
All I knew was we were getting married February 28th, 1989
Only my Mom and my Auntie Leslie could attend I had no other friends or family there because it was such short Notice but since we ended up having the Wedding at Eric's Parent's place many of his Family members and one of his friends was able to come.
His Mother took care of all the arrangements she really came through
Oh and Carol her bff made all the food ...she was AMAZING!
So there we were about to get married when all of a sudden we heard Sirens (which isn't unusual for LA) but these sirens stopped right in front of the house...
See Eric's brother had been chased from the freeway to his house ...he was speeding trying to get to the house on time for the wedding...he of course caused some attention doing so ...they flagged his liscence and well let's just say they gave him a pass to stay for the wedding but then he had another escort leaving.
We finally said our "I do's"
and called it a day.
Remember I was 5 months pregnant I was tired.
and that is what happened for me on this day 30 years ago.
March ...
Day #60/365 ...March 1st, 2019
Wooo Hooo @michelleobama
Chose my QUESTION!!!!
Omg Omg Omg
Early this morning around 5 a.m. is ( I still had not gone to sleep for the night so ) I was scrolling my Intagram, as you do, and I came across Michelle Obama's story
She was answering some of the question's her followers had submitted to her the day before and her brother had joined her to answer some of the questions they chose for today's IG story.
They are going through the questions and they were mostly reflective of Black History Month
(which just ended)
But then they came to one question that was a bit off topic...
"What was your favourite meal that your Mom made for you?"
I could not believe she had chosen my question ...
My hearing became deaf as I kept scrolling back to watch it repeatedly.
Then I tuned back in and She and her brother answered it with a resounding agreement.
Answer > "That's easy it was our Mom's Fried Chicken" - Michelle Obama
To be honest I really didn't even care what the answer was I was just so thrilled she noticed and answered my question....
It was kind of relevant to me though. This past month I have been compiling Recipe's of things I use to make the kids, their favourite, some that I grew up with and couple of Gret Grammy's, their Grandpa's German Chocolate Cake Recipe and a few from their Gaga as a legacy to leave them when I am gone. I plan ahead for stuff like this since my accident...it isn't morbid it is just how my brain works now.
I also feel that the foods we grew up with and some that become tradition in our families and our lives are so important to pass on. They connect us to our roots, memories and emotions and our Family.
Thank you Michelle Obama for choosing my question and just hitting home my thoughts on food and Family today. So excited to see you in a few weeks in Vancouver
*note: I still have not figured out how to do a 'Screen Shot' so I keep taking my camera and taking a photo of my phone then take a photo with my phone of my camera's photo of my photo on my phone....augh it is annoying but I got it done! Lol
> also...yes I am aware my Camera says March 2, 2019...I assure you this pic was taken this mornings since one I can not Time Travel and two I do not live in Australia where it is tmr already....and yes I have only had 4 hrs sleep.☺
Day #61/365...March 2nd, 2019
Great to sit with this lot. Talk shop and enjoy a pint of Beer on The B.C. Bike Shows tab as a
Thank you. Pretty Classy BCBS. Cheers!
@Elephant & Castle on Burrard, Vancouver
#Pint #Bikes #Goodfriends #CyclingCommunity
Day #62/365 ...March 3rd, 2019
So...I bought this bike today.
Ya it's a long story lol
Day #63/365 ...March 4th, 2019
1st ride on my new Baby...she needs a new name now.
Day #64/365 ...March 5th, 2019
This little beauty came out to play today.
*no preset
Day #65/365 ...March 6th, 2019
It was snowing AGAIN today augh...
SO I made an executive decisions
made it a PJ day!
Day #66/365 ...March 7th, 2019
Oh the exciting things I get up to when I don't feel like getting dressed or going out.
But on the up side my sleep pattern ( I think) is starting to come around to normal nights.
It is a work in progress but it is improving so that makes me very happy, but with that the down side is I get in funks where I just do not feel motivated. I really really need to figure out something more for myself because this whole Retired Disability Gig is getting really Old Quick!
Anyway I decided to plant some seeds today and get my herbs started inside since it is way WAY to early to plant outside. I mean we did just have snow yesterday Yo...
Here is hoping these little babies take.
I hate the waiting but I get so dame excited when they start to pop their little heads out of the dirt.
It is like waiting for Christmas I swear!
Day #67/ ...March 8th, 2019
Happy International Women's Day!
I stopped by my dear friend Lydia Duncansen's Flower Shop today to get a quick long overdue visit in,
So amazing to see her always,
When I think of women that inspire me she is tops on the list.
Thank you Lydia for the beautiful Tulips.
For all the Women that continue to strive, try, and get out in the World I salute you today and always!
Day #68/365 ...March 9th, 2019
Another fun activity today.
Day #69/365 ...March 10th, 2019
It may not be Spring yet ...
(regardless of daylight saving time kicking in today and loosing an hour of sleep...so annoying
...which let's talk about that for a minute. Why do we push our clocks ahead SO dang early this year when it isn't even Spring yet. Why? )
Spring or Winter these little ladies didn't let a calendar stop them from strutting their stuff today!
#daffodils #dailightsavingstime #isitspringyet
Day #70/365 ...March 11th, 2019
Ashley (daughter #3 ) showed up very unexpectedly at my door today
and as I opened the door for her she stood there in absolute tears and basically fell in to my arms.
"What happened?" and my Mom intuition went off in my head but I did not want to say it out loud and gave her an opportunity to tell me.
Well I was right. She got fired for the first time today and never saw it coming...
So I put the kettle on and let her tell me all about it while we had a cuppa.
#BPSUCKS #GettingfiredSUCKS
Day #71/365 ...March 12, 2019
It is always a happy day when you can have breakfast outside
p.s. there was literally #cloudsinmycoffee
Day #72/365 ...March 13th, 2019
So happy to FINALLY have my apt. at Physio with Monica.
Can not wait to get back on track and feeling better again so I can be active daily.
Day #73/365 ...March 14th. 2019
Daughter #3 is over for dinner tonight so I through some of her favs on a board to start.
Day #74/365 ...March 15th, 2019
I have been monetoring my crocus' and today this one popped up as a total surprise. Last year there was only one white crocus this year I have 4. So happy...so because I am so obsessed I tried to get down to ground 0 to get up close and personal and channel my inner Georgia O'Keeffe.
Sadly though the camera on my phone was just not co-operating and going along with my flow so this was all I got. Disappointed but still thrilled to see this beauty today.
Day #75/365 ...March 16th, 2019
Bunheads Dance's Ballet Blast with Georgia
Wooosh this was an intense booty and leg work out and I was so proud of myself because I could actually do most of it.
Ya me!
Day #76/365 ...March 17th, 2019
I loved putting this all together. From making the soup last week and planning the whole menu.
My favourite part was the #potofgold
Day #77/365 ...March 18th, 2019
Hello Sunshine my old friend.
I really need a pedi!
Day #78/365 ...March 19th, 2019
Third time this week having the doors and windows open and I am loving it. Listening here this morning listening to the birds. They are so happy. Winter seemed so long this year even though it was a mild winter and only 89 days still felt like forever.
Today is the last day of winter and I could not be more pleased about that.
Day #79/365 ...March 20th, 2019
First day of Spring FINALLY and I have my Taxes all done for 2018...check
'Flotus Girls Night'
Day #80/265 ...March 21st, 2019
Took two of my beautiful daughters,
Daughter #1
Daughter #3
to see the
#1 1st Lady
WOW what a Night!
I am Blessed.
'Am I "Becoming"?'
Day #81/365 ...March 22, 2019
I loved waking uo in my new T from last night.
My beautiful daughters surprised me with it as an early 'Mother's Day' present.
Still reveling in thoughts from last night and taking it all in still today.
What an evening.
"Today is another day" *Blessed
Today I was just happy to wake up to another day.
( been sick for a few days so looking rather haggerd )
This project I have worked on for 8 years now is normally about my happy moments....
This year though I have been noticing although I am a private person and seldom like to talk about my on going recovery from my accident I am leaning in to sharing and being more transparent. .
With that said after seeing @michelleobama with my daughters last week during that time I was having one of my slow burn ptsd anxiety episodes. I said nothing because I didn't want to ruin the time. But I was suffering the entire time and in pain and as the evening wore on all of that crushendoed.
When I go through these moments it takes so much out of me that it takes a few days for me to recover. ...and often the stress of it all lowers my immune system leaving me vulnerable to catching just about anything.
So that is what I have been up to since last Thursday.
I want to do normal things so I keep putting myself out there hoping my condition will change or improve because let's be honest....life isn't going to press pause for anything or anyone so I have to keep on keeping on.
Today I was just happy to wake up to another day.
( been sick for a few days so looking rather haggerd )
This project I have worked on for 8 years now is normally about my happy moments....
This year though I have been noticing although I am a private person and seldom like to talk about my on going recovery from my accident I am leaning in to sharing and being more transparent. .
With that said after seeing @michelleobama with my daughters last week during that time I was having one of my slow burn ptsd anxiety episodes. I said nothing because I didn't want to ruin the time. But I was suffering the entire time and in pain and as the evening wore on all of that crushendoed.
When I go through these moments it takes so much out of me that it takes a few days for me to recover. ...and often the stress of it all lowers my immune system leaving me vulnerable to catching just about anything.
So that is what I have been up to since last Thursday.
I want to do normal things so I keep putting myself out there hoping my condition will change or improve because let's be honest....life isn't going to press pause for anything or anyone so I have to keep on keeping on.
*no filter/preset
Day #85/365 ...March 26th, 2019
'Be still my beating heart'
Day #86/365...March 27th, 2019
"Dumb and Dumber the Lawn Boy version"
I ❤ lawn mowing Season. So I was SO excited to mow the lawn for the 1st time this year....got everything lined up for this shot and....Out of Gas ...and all the Jerry Cans are empty as well....lol
Day#87/365 ...March 28th, 2019
Wishing this guy a Happy Birthday
<Ken Legget>
Day #88/365...March 29th, 2019
"Oh Happy day"
Happiness is waking up in the morning to all the dishes clean and nothing dirty in the sink. I may be weird but I ❤ simple things that bring me joy.
"I 'Noah' Fast Guy"
Day #89/365, March 30th, 2019
It was ALL about this guy today.
My Nephew had one race. The 100m Sprint. It lasted 11.5 seconds. No joke.
But those 11.5 seconds for all his family showing up to support Noah was timeless.
Best 11.6 seconds EVER people!
I am such a proud Auntie.
Love you Noah!
Remember...EVERY second counts!
'My Happy Place'
Day #90/365 ..March 31st, 2019
Getting my Zen on.
'Not an April Fool's'
Day #91/365 ...April 1st, 2019
Headed over to Victoria today to see Daughter #2
to Celebrate her 'Very Merry Un-Birthday'
Something we have done for the past 14 years since she came up with the idea when she was 4 and we were on holiday in Hawaii. It started as us just playing along with her crazy idea and now it has become an annual thing. Much to her siblings shigrin.
Day #92/365 ...April 2nd, 2019
'Deer X-ing'
This beauty stared me down as I was riding my bike. She fully expected me to stop as she
and her friends crossed the road. I stopped of course but then soon noticed there were 3
No 4
Nope there were 5 deer!
Day #93/365 ...April 3rd, 2019
'Kyla is the Queen of the Castle'
Which of course makes the rest of us 'dirty rascals'
I love hanging out with the Little Miss...and she loves getting out of the house.
Mt.Tomie is her favourite!
Day #94/365 ... April 4th, 2019
"Come sail away with me" @bcferries
A sunsetsail, gorgeous Gulf Islands, B.C. scenery, my @2perventjazz coffee, and a Red Fish Blue Fish Tacone Priceless.
Day #95/365 ...April 5th, 2019
"Green it is"
Glad to be home...first thing is first...off to my local produce shop for my daily fresh veg.
I really enjoy my daily visits to my independent Grocer. I love supporting local. I appreciate a European view on shopping daily for one's food and I like connecting with my neighourhod.
Day #96/365 ... April 6th, 2019
"That's a wrap"
Love this product by @naturebeewraps
*not Sponsored or an ad
( I just love this product )Www.naturbeewraps.ca
Day #97/365 ...April 7th, 2019
"Catching all the rays"
If only all days were as complicated.
Day #98/365 ...April 8th, 2019
"Sip Up"
💛'ing my coffee/banana/pb smoothie
'I know what this means..."
Day #99/365 ...April 9th, 2019
Good day sunshine. Happy to see the sun peaking through my blinds but today was a defs PTSD day. So I took my time and was patient with myself. Which I not always am. Actually most often I am not., but I am proud of myself for learning and starting to grow and change that aspect so I am kinder to my self.
Day #100?365 ...April 10th, 2019
My hundredth pic for 2019!
This was my my 1st pic using a 'Selfie Stick'
I can see there is going to be a bit of a learning curve to use this thing...
jury is still out on this contraption.
Hope everyone had a great day today
'Coming to you live from Raincouver'
Day #101/365 ...April 11th, 2019
"Fields of Hay-fever"
Day #102/365....April 12th, 2019
Every year I take a bag and walk around my neighbourhood picking Dandelions...Why?
Well my son suffers from severe pollen allergies ( I use to as well when I was a kid ) so to lessen or hopefully completely avoid him having any reaction I walk around trying to alleviate at least one contributor so when he comes to visit he doesn't suffer....that's what Mom's do sometimes....sometimes we're Dandelion Murderers lol
'My gym'
Day #103/365 ...April 13th, 2019
'Happy Birthday Titanic'
Day #104/365 ...April 14th, 2019
I miss you all the time. Happy Birthday Grammy.
*My Grammy's Mum Nellie Hall had a ticket for the Titanic, but she went in to labour the night before so she missed the boat. So glad she did.
" I wanted to see you again...
touch you, know who you were, see if I would find you identical with the ideal image of you which had remained with me and perhaps shattered my drea, with the aid of reality"
~Claude Frollo/ Victor Hugo
'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'
Day #105/365 ...April 15th, 2019
After receiving the news this morning from Alana about Notre Dame my heart was breaking.
800 years of history was in flames.
I had seen Notre Dame late in September on the last leg of my month long #EatPrayLove trip. A friend from back home happened to be in Paris at the same time so we spent a few days hanging out and exploring and on many of those days Notre Dame was our back drop. What a perfect canvas to have as a background. One night as we wound up our day of exploring we happened on a crowd waiting outside Notre Dame. We asked one of the on lookers why everyone was waiting...we soon found out. We had lucked out on the amazing light show that was screen shot on to the Face of Notre Dame. It was amazing. What a memorable night.
Sure enough she will be restored, but one thing is for sure Notre Dame has forever lost it's history but new history will be made.
I took a moment today to look back on my memories in Paris and my first time seeing Notre Dame. The first time I had no idea what it was. I thought it was a church. I stumbled in took a look around having no idea where I was or any of the history and left.
Funny the things we discover purely by mistake.
Sending Paris 💓 & hope
'Happy 4 days old birthday Oreo'
Day #106/365 ... April 16th, 2019
Reika wanted to be first in line to welcome Oreo to the Family today
She is so cute. They both are!
I am here-
The snow falling"
~Issa Kobayashi
Day #107/365 ...April 17th, 2019
Every year I wait patiently...like a child waiting for their birthday...for the cherry blossoms to start to appear each Spring. This year like every year I got excited with the first sight of the tiny buds on the branches, but for some reason I have been pretty preoccupied lately and I missed seeing the trees in their full bloom.
Today I finally got around to stopping by a street I know to have gorgeous blossom lined streets only to discover the streets weren't lined with blossoms on the tress but rather snow on the ground.
My favourite kind of snow.
'Los tre Oops'
Day #108/365 ...April 18th, 2019
My simple Life
'3 tortillas that were crumbling out of a brand new bag
'1 egg that wouldn't co-operate
'and Tapatio that makes it all not matter because it makes it all taste good.
Day #109/365 ...April 19th, 2019
I had fun dying eggs today using natural dyes.
The onion skin wrapped one's turned out the best.
The beet, tea, and Match one's not so much but I had fun.
I 💛💛💛 egg!
Everything about them.
One of my absolute favs is the Quail Egg.
I know not very Vegan. Trust me I feel ya. I do mostly follow a very Vegan feels diet most often but once in a while I need an egg.
'Who remember's long talks on the phone?'
Day #110/365 ...April 20th, 2019
Just had the best longggg talk with Miss Alana Davis. She is like a daughter to me. One of the kindest, generous people I know. We talked for a couple hours in the middle of a Saturday day. I sat on the fron porch in the sun. It was a great afternoon and the best part of my day.
Funny hoe we forget how great something as simple as a telephone conversation can be. 😌
P.S. this was the perfect view for 2 hrs.
Love you Alana 💓
'Sparking So much Joy'
Day #111/365 ...April 21st, 2019
This exhaust fan has been on my 'To Do' list for over 2yrs. So imagine my satisfaction today when I FINALLY got around to cleaning it today.
Truth be told though today/Easter was a tough one for me. I was feeling really left out and forgotten. The cleaning just helped me to somewhat cope but even that didn't deter me from projecting and posting a really unfavorable comment on my Facebook feed of how dissapointed I was in my kids. I wasn't really I was just really hurt that they didn't think about me today. Anyway it has now caused a real riff with my daughter and I am not sure if we are going to recover from this one. She may even decide that having me in her life doesn't work for her.
'happy 3rd bd to my Besties'
Day #112/365 ...April 22nd, 2019
My breast reduction was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It has decreased a large percentage of my chronic pain from my accident and also has boosted my confidence
I 💓💓 them!
'Nothin could be finer than a cuppa with a friend'
Day #113/365 ...April 23rd, 2019
Finally got to spend time with this beautiful Lady 🚺 !
#coffeedate ☕☕
'What an Event!'
Wow! I am still in awe of how amazing this evening was. So much inspiration, community and inclusion. I originally had signed on to Volunteer motived only by @afreeborn success with @smashtess. A local company born from a small idea that has just grown exponentially in the past 3 years. Originally I had heard of Smash & Tess through my Mom and daughters as they were all Little Flower Academy Alum and we sort of keep track of our small girl gang.News of Ashley's accomplishment s and growing business took wind and we all started following her's and the companies continued growth and success...
Fast forward and here I was in a room of so many inspirational, inspiring, successful women taking in the wisdom and know how from the small panel and pinching myself.
I kept asking myself .."how did I get here?"
But I was there. So as the women embarked on an adventure of business knowledge and truths. I listened on intently realizing how very lucky I was.
Thank you 🙏
'All the good morning feels'
Thank you💗
'Why does this always happen?'
Day #116/365 ...April 26th, 2019
'Let the sun shine in'
Day #117/365 ...April 27th, 2019
I was inspired by @erincg stories last week to clean my windows, which really were long overdue for some TLC. So I got the tub of water and some Dish soap &
Vinegar actually I used leftover Pickle Juice. It's the same isn't it? and got to it.
Thanks Erin 😊
'Channeling my inner Georgia O'Keefe'
Day #118/365 ...April 28th, 2019
This tulip had my undivided attention today.
'Day Break'
Day #119/365 ...April 29th, 2019
I woke up at dawn for some reason, but being still sick still I went back to bed where I uncharacteristically spent the rest of the day.
Day #120/365 ...Arpil 30th, 2019
Even though 'the cat was out of the bag' on this article it still was great to leaf through
PEOPLE Magazine today to find all my fav, Bachelorette's. Striking as ever naked with no make-up in this months issue
Day #121/365 ...May 1st. 2019
Jillian Harris for Saje Wellness
'What day is it again?'
Day #122/365...May 2nd, 2019'The day after' is always a tough one for me. So I like to keep my routine simple.
'My one and only Cowboy'
Day #123/365...May 3rd, 2019Happy Birthday Babe.
You may no longer be aging....
Which you probably are pretty excited about, but you are thought of often, missed always and my love forever.
^Chuck Casillas 1942 - 2007
Day #124/364...May 4th, 2019Day #125/365...May 5th, 2019
All day Volunteering at @bmovanmarathon
So much fun. One of my fav's for helping out at for sure.
But it was a busy day for sure.
We celebrate Cinco de Mayo in our family and it also being my niece's 1st birthday and more it was a jam packed day. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
'Recovery Day'
Day #126/365...May 6th, 2019'Thong tha thong thong thong"
Day #127/365...May 7th, 2019
1st day of the year wearing flip flops all day. So happy! 🌞
'Beautiful mornings"
Day #128/365...May 8th, 2019
3rd day of recovery. I have learned that this is how it goes now with me after I have given a lot for one day. Since my accident it is just how things roll.
'daughter #3 learning from the Master'
Day #129/365...May 9th, 2019Had fun shadowing/helping my daughter today as she did more of her event planning shtuff.
This moment: My daughter and my dear friend @1esson from high school teaching her the 'ropes', literally, made my heart sing today.
Thank you so much Shawneen. 💕Ya.
"Fan girling Sprinkler weather"
Day #130/365....May 10th, 2019
Happy Friday! .
'Let's play 'Lost & Found'/not!'
'Day #131/365....May 11th, 2019I was having a relaxing morning. Watering the garden. Listening to the birds as I sat outside eating my breakie and then I thought I should get in to gear and start my errands.
So I got dressed and got ready and then realized my wallet was missing. 😱
Well after panicing and turning my home ( that I spent all day yesterday cleaning) upside-down I still was coming up empty so I re thought my steps and figured out where I remembered having it last.
So I was out the door and off to the Dollar Store...and THANK GAWD!!!! It was there....since THURSDAY! Geesh
So glad. That and it had my CA DL in it and That would have been bad if I lost that. So relieved.
'Mother's Day...it was a good day...until it wasn't '
Day #132/365...May 12th, 2019
So I know I have been MIA the past few days. That's because Sunday after having a pretty good day I went to Walmart to get groceries and I came out and someone had stolen my
Brand New Bike....so that happened.
Day #132/365...May 12th, 2019
So I know I have been MIA the past few days. That's because Sunday after having a pretty good day I went to Walmart to get groceries and I came out and someone had stolen my
Brand New Bike....so that happened.
'I ate something today'
Day #133/365...May 13th, 2019
Day #133/365...May 13th, 2019
'Glamorous it is not'
Day #134/366....May 14th, 2019It may not look glamorous but I made myself food so that is a positive sign. Starting to come to terms with my bike being stolen. Made some progress today. I'll take it. Maybe tmr I will get dressed and actually go outside. Baby steps.
'He may be taller, but he is still my baby'
Day #135/365...May 15th, 2019My son is pretty busy being in his 20's so I don't get to see him that often. So today was a nice treat. We got a walk in on the trails and a good talk as well. Goodtimes. Love that kid.
'You want to go to what?'
Day #136/365...May 16th, 2019
Going to the Cloverdale Rodeo used to be a Family Tradition, but since my kids are all grown up/moved out and living their own lives regardless of whether I would like to go or not they have not been in to it till now!...
So when they said "Hey mom I will go with you to the Bed races"///I didn't hesitate...then funny enough two more of them jumped in the band wagon and wanted to come along as well.
Goodtimes are goodtimes right,
First time EVER at the Bed races had wanted to go for years.
LOVED having my babies beside me at this event.
'Bye bye field of clovers' 😞
Day #137/365...May 17th, 2019.
Day #138/365...May 18th, 2019
'To say I am blown away is an understatement'
Day #139/365...May 19th, 2019
I still have few words for what has happened.So I will tell you the story of how this came about.
On Mother's Day May 12th I had had a great day...till I decided to push the envelope and go to Walmart to quickly grab a few things...I rolled up on my new bike ( I had just bought it March 3rd) locked it and went in...fully intending to be 10 min. I was so tired I started taking forever looking at everything I didnt need. I realized an 1hr and 30 min later that I should cash out and head home but when I walked outside I did a double take...
"Huh" " Where was my bike" "Wait is this the right door?"...and then it hit me...my bike had been <STOLEN>
So after a lot of F bombs and telling the Customer Service rep who told me to "Calm down" to shut it...calling the Police...making a report I slowly made my way home on foot...crying the entire way.
When I got home I quickly posted on Craigs list 'Re- Stolen Bike' and posted on Facebook to get the community alerted and watching out. I had already come to terms with it was gone for good but I had to try. ( Thanks @k_leggatt for that push)
Within an hour friends were posting encouraging comments and offering me their bikes so I wouldn't be without a commuter. I was touched by all the responses. I also received a few dm's one in piticular from a dear friend who was upset by what had had happened and said "I'll see what I can do"...kind but I wasn't sure what he meant.
When I got home I quickly posted on Craigs list 'Re- Stolen Bike' and posted on Facebook to get the community alerted and watching out. I had already come to terms with it was gone for good but I had to try. ( Thanks @k_leggatt for that push)
Within an hour friends were posting encouraging comments and offering me their bikes so I wouldn't be without a commuter. I was touched by all the responses. I also received a few dm's one in piticular from a dear friend who was upset by what had had happened and said "I'll see what I can do"...kind but I wasn't sure what he meant.
For the next 2 days I processed what had happened. Went through all the emotions of a loss. Feverishly continued to hunt down my bike on Craigs and Marketplace trying to be hopeful.
Then 4 days later on the Wednesday I received another dm from my friend...same friend that said he would see what he could do...we started chatting and he eventually spilled the beans.
He, Peter and Norco's Rep JJ's help had gotten together and bought me a new bike.
I mean " What!?"
Dale continued to ask me what colour/size I would like and that they would give it to me Sunday at the Junkyard dog race that I was coming to support and volunteer at.
Then 4 days later on the Wednesday I received another dm from my friend...same friend that said he would see what he could do...we started chatting and he eventually spilled the beans.
He, Peter and Norco's Rep JJ's help had gotten together and bought me a new bike.
I mean " What!?"
Dale continued to ask me what colour/size I would like and that they would give it to me Sunday at the Junkyard dog race that I was coming to support and volunteer at.
'The day has come.'
Day #140/365...May 20th, 2019
I have procrastinated about this project/s for a year now but today it is happening. Rain or no rain it will get done.
Day #140/365...May 20th, 2019
I have procrastinated about this project/s for a year now but today it is happening. Rain or no rain it will get done.
'9 hours later.'
(but this photo wasn't taken till the next day)
Day #141/365...May 21st, 2019
Soaked to the bone from rainfall and sweat and after 9 hours and a lot of shear determination and not near enough H2O or fuel I finally gotter dun! Woot! Ya me...I was so exhausted and it was to dark to take photos last night so this morning I was so excited to walk out my French Doors to this. It is gorgeous and I am so proud of myself. *Mind you it took me days to recover from this project. I literally had issues weight bearing and walking the pain was so bad. *Note: All the paving stones were discarded stones from different work sites in my area. They were transported home on my bike. The bricks I collected from the Old Yaletown Warehouse District. They are over 100 years old.
Day #141/365...May 21st, 2019
Soaked to the bone from rainfall and sweat and after 9 hours and a lot of shear determination and not near enough H2O or fuel I finally gotter dun! Woot! Ya me...I was so exhausted and it was to dark to take photos last night so this morning I was so excited to walk out my French Doors to this. It is gorgeous and I am so proud of myself. *Mind you it took me days to recover from this project. I literally had issues weight bearing and walking the pain was so bad. *Note: All the paving stones were discarded stones from different work sites in my area. They were transported home on my bike. The bricks I collected from the Old Yaletown Warehouse District. They are over 100 years old.
'Rest day with a view'
Day #142/365...May 22nd, 2019After the long hours putting the pathway an reno-ing the patio a second day in bed is warranted...so I took it.
'Arachnid Rescue'
Day #143/365....May 23rd, 2019
Saved this Fam from perol...aka being displaced when I close my gate...so I did some quick thinking...grabbed one of my eggshells and rescued and rehomed as many itty bitty spiders as I could....by the morning though they had moved on.
Day #143/365....May 23rd, 2019
Saved this Fam from perol...aka being displaced when I close my gate...so I did some quick thinking...grabbed one of my eggshells and rescued and rehomed as many itty bitty spiders as I could....by the morning though they had moved on.
Day #144/365...May 24th, 2019
It's a coffee start to the day.
Day #144/365...May 24th, 2019
It's a coffee start to the day.
'A day to explore'
Day #145/365...May 25th, 2019
Spent all day in Van/N.Van. traipsing all over to tracking down a lead to my stolen bike. I saw a lot!.
Day #145/365...May 25th, 2019
Spent all day in Van/N.Van. traipsing all over to tracking down a lead to my stolen bike. I saw a lot!.
"Take my breathe away"
( from 'Top Gun' I can't remember who sang it though. Woops 😜 )
Day #146/365...May 26th, 2019
After a 2nd day in Vancouver walking all over town tracking down the lead to my stolen bike this was the best part if the day.
Day #146/365...May 26th, 2019
After a 2nd day in Vancouver walking all over town tracking down the lead to my stolen bike this was the best part if the day.
'Yumyumyumyumyumyum yum'
Day #147/365...May 27th, 2019
Obsessed with my homemade Mushroom Burgers.
Day #147/365...May 27th, 2019
Obsessed with my homemade Mushroom Burgers.
'You know you are loved when ...'
Day #148/365...May 28th, 2019Love getting real mail.
Day #149/365...May 29th, 2019That moment when you realize you left your shotgun out while your Airbnb guest was staying. Oops. Haha
Day #150/365...May 30th, 2019Heavy prep for daughter #1's 30th.
'What happened right after this was where the day took a turn'
(I got hit by a car)
Day #151/365...May 31st, 2019
Woot...one handed plank/selfie.✨
Day #151/365...May 31st, 2019
Woot...one handed plank/selfie.✨
"STOP...Take a moment"
Day #152/365...June 1st, 2019
Sitting on my bum.
I have never sat here. Nice to sit. Take a breath...and watch the World go by.
Day #152/365...June 1st, 2019
Sitting on my bum.
I have never sat here. Nice to sit. Take a breath...and watch the World go by.
"Tralalalalalalala tralalalalala tralalalalala la" ~ My Grammy Norah Gladstone
Day #153/365...June 2nd, 2019
💓'd my 🚲 ride .
#365project *little did I know then this would become a weekly fav
Day #153/365...June 2nd, 2019
💓'd my 🚲 ride .
#365project *little did I know then this would become a weekly fav
"I'm going out to play" ~Shel Silverstien
Day #154/365....June 3rd, 2019
"Well hello!"
💓 caterpillars. Brought back all the childhood feels...
Until I walked around the corner of the house and noticed all the cacoons in my plum tree and Adulting 101 snapped right back in to play.
Sorry buddy but I re-homed your entire Fam to the Compost Bin. Guess you're an orphan now. Sorry/Not Sorry.😔
Day #154/365....June 3rd, 2019
"Well hello!"
💓 caterpillars. Brought back all the childhood feels...
Until I walked around the corner of the house and noticed all the cacoons in my plum tree and Adulting 101 snapped right back in to play.
Sorry buddy but I re-homed your entire Fam to the Compost Bin. Guess you're an orphan now. Sorry/Not Sorry.😔
'how old are you again'
Day 155/365...June 4th, 2019
Treated daughter #1 to a mani/pedi and eats. #hopes30 prep.
Day 155/365...June 4th, 2019
Treated daughter #1 to a mani/pedi and eats. #hopes30 prep.
'Am I licking the beaters?...Duh!'
...and I dipped my finger in a few times too!
Day #156/365...June 5th, 2019
Making Hope's birthday cske. Normally I always get her a Carrot Cake from @mixbakerylp because she loves it!
But this year for Hope's 30th I wanted to change it up a bit.
When she was younger and Daddy was around we loved tgat he loved to make cakes. He made a few but the 2 on rotation most often were Carrot Cake and a German Chocolate Cake the @bakerschocolate recipe.
Daddy/ her Grandpa passed away a couple years ago but I wanted to have a part of him there for her special day.
Since I didn't have Daddy's Original Recipe I did a Google search 'Baker's German Chocolate Cake since I remembered that was tge one he used.
This was my first time making this cake. No practice. It was one shot and I had to nail it because there was no backup plan and the budget was over. So I went for it...
And it turned out just like Grandpa's ...yummy!
Miss you Daddy...everyday but today you were right there.
~William Tarver
...and I dipped my finger in a few times too!
Day #156/365...June 5th, 2019
Making Hope's birthday cske. Normally I always get her a Carrot Cake from @mixbakerylp because she loves it!
But this year for Hope's 30th I wanted to change it up a bit.
When she was younger and Daddy was around we loved tgat he loved to make cakes. He made a few but the 2 on rotation most often were Carrot Cake and a German Chocolate Cake the @bakerschocolate recipe.
Daddy/ her Grandpa passed away a couple years ago but I wanted to have a part of him there for her special day.
Since I didn't have Daddy's Original Recipe I did a Google search 'Baker's German Chocolate Cake since I remembered that was tge one he used.
This was my first time making this cake. No practice. It was one shot and I had to nail it because there was no backup plan and the budget was over. So I went for it...
And it turned out just like Grandpa's ...yummy!
Miss you Daddy...everyday but today you were right there.
~William Tarver
'Lookie lookie Hope is 30!'
Day #157/365....June 6th, 2019
Where did the time go?
So proud of the women you have become.
Thank you for changing the course of my life 30 years ago to one I have loved ever since.
Day #157/365....June 6th, 2019
Where did the time go?
So proud of the women you have become.
Thank you for changing the course of my life 30 years ago to one I have loved ever since.
'It takes a Village'
Day #158/365...June 7th, 2019
Prep for Hope's 2nd Birthday Party
We all pitched in to make this happen and George &@rayraythomp were amazing but the real hero was @ajtarver who put in hundreds of hours to make her Big sister's day special.
Day #158/365...June 7th, 2019
Prep for Hope's 2nd Birthday Party
We all pitched in to make this happen and George &@rayraythomp were amazing but the real hero was @ajtarver who put in hundreds of hours to make her Big sister's day special.
'My Unicorn'
Day #159/365....June 8th, 2019
It may have been daughter #1's 2nd birthday party, but daughter#3 was my unicorn today.
Day #159/365....June 8th, 2019
It may have been daughter #1's 2nd birthday party, but daughter#3 was my unicorn today.
'Books & Bike's'
Day #160/365...June 9th, 2019
Finally picked up my copy of @karlenekarst. "This Kitchen is for Dancing" and it's signed ☺ .
Day #160/365...June 9th, 2019
Finally picked up my copy of @karlenekarst. "This Kitchen is for Dancing" and it's signed ☺ .
'Recovery day'
Day #161/365...June 10th, 2019
Day #161/365...June 10th, 2019
'Somewhere over the rainbow'
Day #162/365 ...June 11th, 2019
Day #162/365 ...June 11th, 2019
Day #163/365...June 12th, 2019
Love walking out my door and gathering my colourful salad out of my garden.
Day #163/365...June 12th, 2019
Love walking out my door and gathering my colourful salad out of my garden.
'it is officially summer when the watermelon makes an appearance'
Day #164/365...June 13th, 2019
Day #164/365...June 13th, 2019
'She famous'
Day #165/365...June 14th, 2019
Loved finding @thebirdspapaya Chatalaine cover finally! Love her message and the photoshoot by all the woman was stunning. Well done ladies! .
Day #165/365...June 14th, 2019
Loved finding @thebirdspapaya Chatalaine cover finally! Love her message and the photoshoot by all the woman was stunning. Well done ladies! .
'All dressed up and nowhere to go'
Day #166/365...June 15th, 2019
It has taken me all morning and afternoon to get ready for a ride today.
Think after being hit again 2 wks ago I am a little anxious. Trying to fight off my PTSD demons is not easy.
*heading out 0 Ave to Aldergrove...just in case you need to send the Calvary.
Day #166/365...June 15th, 2019
It has taken me all morning and afternoon to get ready for a ride today.
Think after being hit again 2 wks ago I am a little anxious. Trying to fight off my PTSD demons is not easy.
*heading out 0 Ave to Aldergrove...just in case you need to send the Calvary.
* It was a good ride. I felt strong. I had fun. I am looking forward to doing it again. Sometimes it is so easy to get out the door and hope in the saddle the fact that I actually want to ride is a HUGE step forward and a feeling I have not had till now. This was my first long ride since my accident 7 years ago so this is a very positive thing and I am excited to see where it goes,
'Car Free Day' on Main Street
Day #167/365...June 16th, 2019
This was my first time attending and Volunteering at this event. The event was widely attended and spanned 15 blocks of Main Street. So much fun and lot's going on.
Day #167/365...June 16th, 2019
This was my first time attending and Volunteering at this event. The event was widely attended and spanned 15 blocks of Main Street. So much fun and lot's going on.
'Shucken Peas'
Day #168/365...June 17th, 2019
Simple day with simple chores
Day #168/365...June 17th, 2019
Simple day with simple chores
'Get in my Tummy'
Day #169/365...June 18th, 2019
I love cooking and creating. This came about simply because I had a lot of tomatoes sitting around and abundance of greens growing in my garden.
So I roasted the tomatoes then tossed them while still hot in the greens adding fresh made pasta. So yummy.
Day #169/365...June 18th, 2019
I love cooking and creating. This came about simply because I had a lot of tomatoes sitting around and abundance of greens growing in my garden.
So I roasted the tomatoes then tossed them while still hot in the greens adding fresh made pasta. So yummy.

'Not everyday works'
Day #170/365...June 19th, 2019
Wanted to get out get the legs moving but for some reason my ptsd was spiking. My heart was racing, my whole body was shaking ...I ended up having to turn around and head home. Just let it pass
Some times this is how PTSD is. You can't predict when it is going to happen or why. You can't just 'work through it' it just isn't that simple. But one thing I have learned is to recognize that that is what is happening. Acknowledge it. Find a safe place to be while it passes...and stay safe.
Day #170/365...June 19th, 2019
Wanted to get out get the legs moving but for some reason my ptsd was spiking. My heart was racing, my whole body was shaking ...I ended up having to turn around and head home. Just let it pass
Some times this is how PTSD is. You can't predict when it is going to happen or why. You can't just 'work through it' it just isn't that simple. But one thing I have learned is to recognize that that is what is happening. Acknowledge it. Find a safe place to be while it passes...and stay safe.
'Ice-cream you scream we all scream for ice-cream'
Day #171/365...June 20th, 2019
Sometimes all you want is an ice-cream.
Day #171/365...June 20th, 2019
Sometimes all you want is an ice-cream.
'Well "hello" there'
Day #172/365...June 21st, 2019
I don't often like my reflection, but this morning my reflection caught me off guard and I didn't mind it.
Day #172/365...June 21st, 2019
I don't often like my reflection, but this morning my reflection caught me off guard and I didn't mind it.
'the BCBR Fam is back again'
Day #173/365....June 22nd, 2019
At HQ for our Annual Team BBQ
Fun fun
Day #173/365....June 22nd, 2019
At HQ for our Annual Team BBQ
Fun fun
'augh I missed the Dragon Boats'
Day #174/365...June 23rd, 2019
I had 'Dragonboat Festival' on my calendar for weeeeeks! Yet somehow I still managed to get down to Falsecreek when it was wrapping up and all done fir another year.
I am obsessed with Dragon Boating...and one of these days when I finally have time paddling and lawn bowling are at the tops of my lists fir summertime funtime activities...but not today sir.
Day #174/365...June 23rd, 2019
I had 'Dragonboat Festival' on my calendar for weeeeeks! Yet somehow I still managed to get down to Falsecreek when it was wrapping up and all done fir another year.
I am obsessed with Dragon Boating...and one of these days when I finally have time paddling and lawn bowling are at the tops of my lists fir summertime funtime activities...but not today sir.
Day #175/365....June 24th, 2019
Oh my gosh. I 💗 this brand of black licorice. It is so hard to find and I was told that it had gone out of distribution. So So excited to find it today at @naturesfaremarkets. Woot! #winning 👍
'Woops' 👎
Day #176/365...June 25th, 2019
Oh oh....so I realized late tonight that I had gone through my whole day and forgotten to take a photo to document. Woops.
It doesn't mean it was an uneventful day or a bad one it just means I forgot. It happens.
This photo may not be great but at least I remembered to take 'A' photo at all. This project has been ruined the past 7 years from completely forgetting to take 'any' photo at all...and the one and only rule of this whole #365project is to take a photo each and every day.
So here it is. Not great but still a ✅
'Starting the morning off right @bcbikerace jammies'
Day #177/365. ..June 26th, 2019
Day #177/365. ..June 26th, 2019
'Feelin Dean's vision' @bcbikerace
Day #178/365...June 27th, 2019
I love helping out. This group is the best. I did stuff my brother's bag and left him a special note for the beginning of the race.
Day #178/365...June 27th, 2019
I love helping out. This group is the best. I did stuff my brother's bag and left him a special note for the beginning of the race.
'Feelin my new brazier'
Day #179/365....June 28th, 2019
I had had my eye on these super cute & cumf bra from @thehandpickedhomeshop ....you gotta get you one!
yay...I found a back up file!'
Day #180/365 ...June 29th, 2019
I went back and changed a few things when I found this lost back up photo. Phew...💗'd making my watermelon Popsicle's today.
'Red & White'
Day #181/365....June 30th, 2019
Pretty keen to get ready for tomorrow's Canada Day.
I am 1/2 way through my 365 Project! Woot!
'Happy Canada Day?'
Day #182/365...July 1st, 2019
Went to the @richmondnightmarket for Canada Day fun fun.
'Pedi please'
Day #183/365...July 2nd, 2019
Much needed Pedicure before leaving for the week with @bcbikerace
'Snail Mail'
Day #184/365...July 3rd, 2019
I love sending mail especially to daughter #4 💗💗💗
'Prism in the Park'
Day #185/365...July 4th, 2019
Prism for a long time has been in the family. Back in the day my great Uncle played with the OG band and today my Uncle Mark was carrying on the legacy.
Loved catching their show in my hood right by the beach with all to see.
One person even stopped me and wanted to take their photo with me because I told her my Uncle was in the band. I thought it was funny but honestly I was just really proud and happy I had taken time to come check it out.
'Day 0...557 riders, 37 countries and the best week on a bike that's @bcbikerace '
Day #186/365...July 5th, 2019
Let's do this!
'That moment when you look in to the crowd and you see your brother in the 1st wave of riders' <proud sister moment>
Day #187/365...July 6th, 2019
Enough said.
#LiveyourBESTlife #everymomentisthepresent
#smile #smileoften
#365photos #365project #365
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