Last week I took my very first Sea Plane flight EVER!
I posted on Twitter and Facebook...What I didn't mention is that ever since I was a little girl my Grammy use to take me to Stanley Park to watch the sea planes land and take off for years until she passed away. She now has a bench dedicated to her on the Lions Gate Bridge side so that everyone can do what we use to do...
I have wanted to take a Sea plane for years but my fear always got in the way and the Ferry was an easy excuse to avoid doing so.
However last week I was in a position where time was a factor and taking a flight was the only way to make my busy week work....I was PETRIFIED...
I was nervous for many days leading up to my departure and on the the point that a nurse approached me on the Canada-Line and told me to "Go sit down you look like you are going to throw up"...
I replied "I am , but I have a zip lock" lol
She then insisted ...I sat but it didn't calm my nerves much.

I arrived at Waterfront Station a 'Hot Mess'....I went to access the elevator from the Plaza...wouldn't you know it wasn't working...
Concerned I was going to miss the cut off for checking in my only option were the stairs and since I can't lift my bags because of a previous injury from an accident I had to simply pull, and yank my bag down the stairs in order to make it on time...
I arrived with plenty of time . ..a whole hour ahead actually not realizing that Harbour Air has a very liberal Check-In policy of 30 minutes prior to a flight. Taht was great, BUT I had broken a wheel on my suitcase..not so great

When I arrived at the Coal Harbour Airport the Attendant there was so kind, patient and understanding. Which was just what I needed as I was a nervous wreck...and as much as I was excited about the flight I was far more concerned about being sick on the plane. She offered me a snack and tea and then offered to walk me down prior to boarding, made sure to pass me off to the kind crew, and mention it was my first flight...that helped a lot.
Once in my seat in the front I promptly inserted my comp. ear plugs (which really help btw, thank you) tightly gripped my handy ziplock bag and prepared myself for the worst...and as the rest of the passengers loaded on to the tiny plane, and they closed the hatch/door beginning the taxiing of the flight I waited, and I waited for what I thought would enviably happen being physically ill...we took off...we flew over Stanley Park, and the Lions Gate (which my Great, Great Uncle was the Head Engineer for when it was build) and turned to head over English Bay...then we were flying over BC Ferries and the San Juan Islands...
and before I knew it we were in Victoria landing at my Favourite Hang out EVER Red Fish Blue Fish...and guess what?
...and I didn't throw up!!!
In fact that flight was the smoothest, most scenic, enjoyable flight I have ever taken...
Since the Harbour Air Airport is so conveniently located right Downtown at the Harbour and at my fav Hang out EVER in Victoria Red Fish Blue Fish was thrilled to sit and enjoy a tacone, some chowder and the Sunset or the water.
My stay in Victoria was a week...lots of meetings and some Volunteering with Tour de Victoria where I again had the great privileged of meeting more Harbour Air Employees ..Vanessa was awesome at Rider Check in on Friday btw.
3 guess who this is?
Saturday came around very quickly and instead of my usual remorse that I often have when I leave the Island I couldn't wait for my 2nd Harbour Air Flight...and I had the amazing privileged of being the 'Co-Pilot' this time....and it was PRICELESS!
Best way to end a great day...SUnset over Coal Harbor
I haven't stopped smiling since the weekend, and have been boasting Harbour Air's services for over a week now.
That night I raced home to check my coupons from Harbour Air that I received last year from Volunteering at Tour de Victoria and sadly they had expired ( I couldn't have used them sooner since I wasn't allowed to fly post accident until recently) but that isn't going to stop me from flying very soon with Harbour Air.
Basically once you have taken a Harbour Air Flight it is very hard to go back to taking the Ferry

Huge Thank you to Harbour Air, Tour de Victoria, Ryder Hesjel, Robert Cameron Law, , Red Fish Blue Fish and RUMBLE Super Shake
We never go anywhere without our RUMBLE!
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#YYJ #TourdeVictoria #HarbourAir #WestCoastLiving
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