Tuesday, 1 December 2015

'Tis the Season....

...to Falalalalalalalalala

The Stores have had their shelves filled with tinsel and bobbles for the holiday season for weeks now (in America ...since the Summer :-( ), Christmas music filters through the mall speakers, and Starbucks got their stock of 'RED' cups weeks ago. #HappyDance ...

But what makes me happiest are the #simplethings.

TRUST ME I am more than aware of the pit falls of this celebratory time of year, but this year I have sworn to pace myself .

This chocolate filled Calamata Date is NOT what it looks like! (well actually it is exactly what it looks like...which was DeLICiouS!) #Yummy

 Don't get me wrong I am still enjoying the Season of Gluttony; there is no denying that, and I have plum given up on moderation. If any of you have tried that at this time of year I am sure you will agree...it NEVER WORKS!

So, pacing myself it is.

I started today December 1st. with a little guilty pleasure that was passed on to me by a very good friend and fellow #foodie...and you may not be a believer till you try this...
but I swear it is going to BLOW YOUR MIND HOLE!!!

This is all you will need.
1 Hammer (or a nut cracker but I find a hammer is more efficient and less bits)
Flake Sea Salt 

That's it!

Lick the Walnut


I am reminded time and time again with most things the old adage "It's a Marathon not a Sprint" seems to apply at this time of year.

#Vegan #Winter #Holiday #Salt #GuiltyPleasure #CheatDay #healthy #WhyNOT #Foodie #RideHAPPY

Cycling Cafe's Diva

                                                    "Uniting a Community; one Cyclist at a time"
                                                                            "RIDE HAPPY"


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Friday, 28 August 2015


 Last week I took my very first Sea Plane flight EVER!

I posted on Twitter and Facebook...What I didn't mention is that ever since I was a little girl my Grammy use to take me to Stanley Park to watch the sea planes land and take off for years until she passed away. She now has a bench dedicated to her on the Lions Gate Bridge side so that everyone can do what we use to do...

I have wanted to take a Sea plane for years but my fear always got in the way and the Ferry was an easy excuse to avoid doing so.
However last week I was in a position where time was a factor and taking a flight was the only way to make my busy week work....I was PETRIFIED...

I was nervous for many days leading up to my departure and on the commute...to the point that a nurse approached me on the Canada-Line and told me to "Go sit down you look like you are going to throw up"...
I replied "I am , but I have a zip lock" lolEmoji She then insisted ...I sat but it didn't calm my nerves much.

I arrived at Waterfront Station a 'Hot Mess'....I went to access the elevator from the Plaza...wouldn't you know it wasn't working...

Concerned I was going to miss the cut off for checking in my only option were the stairs and since I can't lift my bags because of a previous injury from an accident I had to simply pull, and yank my bag down the stairs in order to make it on time...

I arrived with plenty of time . ..a whole hour ahead actually not realizing that Harbour Air has a very liberal Check-In policy of 30 minutes prior to a flight. Taht was great, BUT I had broken a wheel on my suitcase..not so greatEmoji

When I arrived at the Coal Harbour Airport the Attendant there was so kind, patient and understanding. Which was just what I needed as I was a nervous wreck...and as much as I was excited about the flight I was far more concerned about being sick on the plane. She offered me a snack and tea and then offered to walk me down prior to boarding, made sure to pass me off to the kind crew, and mention it was my first flight...that helped a lot.

Once in my seat in the front I promptly inserted my comp. ear plugs (which really help btw, thank you) tightly gripped my handy ziplock bag and prepared myself for the worst...and as the rest of the passengers loaded on to the tiny plane, and they closed the hatch/door beginning the taxiing of the flight I waited, and I waited for what I thought would enviably happen ...me being physically ill...we took off...we flew over Stanley Park, and the Lions Gate (which my Great, Great Uncle was the Head Engineer for when it was build) and turned to head over English Bay...then we were flying over BC Ferries and the San Juan Islands...

and before I knew it we were in Victoria landing at my Favourite Hang out EVER Red Fish Blue Fish...and guess what?

...and I didn't throw up!!!

In fact that flight was the smoothest, most scenic, enjoyable flight I have ever taken...

Since the Harbour Air Airport is so conveniently located right Downtown at the Harbour and at my fav Hang out EVER in Victoria Red Fish Blue Fish http://www.redfish-bluefish.com/...I was thrilled to sit and enjoy a tacone, some chowder and the Sunset or the water.

My stay in Victoria was a week...lots of meetings and some Volunteering with Tour de Victoria http://www.tourdevictoria.com/ where I again had the great privileged of meeting more Harbour Air Employees ..Vanessa was awesome at Rider Check in on Friday btw.

3 guess who this is?

Saturday came around very quickly and instead of my usual remorse that I often have when I leave the Island I couldn't wait for my 2nd Harbour Air Flight...and I had the amazing privileged of being the 'Co-Pilot' this time....and it was PRICELESS!  

                                Best way to end a great day...SUnset over Coal Harbor

I haven't stopped smiling since the weekend, and have been boasting Harbour Air's services for over a week now.

That night I raced home to check my coupons  from Harbour Air that I received last year from Volunteering  at Tour de Victoria and sadly they had expired ( I couldn't have used them sooner since I wasn't allowed to fly post accident until recently) but that isn't going to stop me from flying very soon with Harbour Air.

Basically once you have taken a Harbour Air Flight it is very hard to go back to taking the FerryEmoji

Huge Thank you to Harbour Air, Tour de Victoria, Ryder Hesjel, Robert Cameron Law, , Red Fish Blue Fish and RUMBLE  Super Shake

We never go anywhere without our RUMBLE!
#ThisIShowWeRUMBLE #FeedTheGood

#YYJ #TourdeVictoria #HarbourAir #WestCoastLiving

Cycling Cafe's Diva

                                                    "Uniting a Community; one Cyclist at a time"

                                                                          "RIDE HAPPY"


This Blog and its content is Copyright © 2015 cyclecafes.com by Copiared Inc.
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Monday, 10 August 2015

Cantaloupe Smoothie

~Back to Healthy Eating

For a few weeks now I have been eating pints and pints of Hagen Daz. 

and I am not really sure what it was that started this binge as I often really have to 'be in the mood' for Ice cream which usually only happens every few months on the norm.
Perhaps it was that it was on sale that week...$4.99, which is ridiculously cheap. That could have been what started it, but with that #breakingtheseal it promoted weeks of unhealthy eating, which is really unlike me. The pints of Hagen Daz was accompanied by countless bags of chips as well. 
True it is summer so I could very well use that as a plausible excuse however the weeks of unhealthy eating started to take a toll and I started to feel really sick and run down.

So when Root Cellar posted their weekly deals, which I get the newsletters for they had Cantaloupe on sale and posted a recipe for a 'Cantaloupe Smoothie'  which was calling my name....and like they say "The heart wants what it wants" 
Daughter #2 and I made a trip to The Root Cellar http://therootcellar.ca/   I bought all I needed to make the smoothie and headed back to her place....I didn't know what to expect because up till this point I have made my own smoothie's with no recipe for years and have grown accustom to them so this was an adventure....and HOLLY COW WOW!!!! #YUM 

It was so good I had to share it with everyone. 

Cantaloupe Smoothie


1 small or 1/2 of a lg. Cantaloupe
1/2 a bunch of spinach (about 2-3 cups) ~rinsed/cleaned 
1 Juicy Peach
1 Lemon (juiced)
Sprigs of Mint
Tiny sprigs of Parsley (optional)
1/4 cup Coconut Water

                                              Whip up in your food processor or blender.


P.S. I am feeling much better and I am back to healthy eating...and the Hagen Daz...well i PROBABLY  won't have any till December now...lol it's just how I roll.

#Smoothie #HealthyEating #RideHappy #CycleCafes #TheRootCellar #SummerTime

Cycling Cafe's Diva

                                                    "Uniting a Community; one Cyclist at a time"

                                                                 "RIDE HAPPY"


This Blog and its content is Copyright © 2015 cyclecafes.com by Copiared Inc.
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Sunday, 3 May 2015



It is the strangest feeling to fall asleep and wake up with smaller breasts. Let me re-phrase that...
I recently had a 'BOOB JOB'...
and not the popular kind....
I "Downsized"!

Let me fast-rewind a bit. 

After my accident a couple years ago my injured C2&3 have been a constant issue. After suffering for sometime I finally discussed it with my Doctor, and Physiotherapist http://physiomoves.com/ if having a Breast Reduction would help the situation? They both concurred that it definitely would.
 So after getting a referral I was off for a consult with Dr,Mian.
That was back in September 2014.

I was apprehensive both going to the Plastic Surgeon and then afterwards when he resoundingly approved my request for a 'breast reduction'. My surgery was originally booked for November which I pushed back till February..and although I have wanted to'downsize' for years ( I have never been comfortable with my girls') I was really nervous about actually going throw with the procedure...so as February quickly approached I decided to push back the surgery again for April 22nd. This time there was no changing my mind. This was going to happen and I would have to get my head around it.

It wasn't at all that I was nervous about going under the knife...and I wasn't against a 'Nip and Tuck' or in this case the procedure is coined a "Butterfly". I think if anyone wants to improve their appearance that is entirely up to them. For myself however had it not been for the fact that the weight of my breasts were causing me so much discomfort I probably never would have gone through with it. It was more than anything just getting my head around the fact that my body would be significantly different and the getting use to that.

I would constantly look in the mirror for months and fold my breasts in just to try and get use to the idea...and up until the week before when I was in Los Angeles I caught myself yet again walking by a store front window, pausing, pushing my breasts in and saying to myself "That's what they will look like". I would do this more times than I can count. I probably looked like such a weirdo lol.

Days before sugery taking the girls out for a last Hurrah along the Boardwalk in Santa Monica

Two days after my return from Los Angeles I was at the Jim Pattison Surgical Centre for my day surgery. I wasn't nervous but I was very anxious to get things going and over with..so to speak,
there was still the small matter of recovery, which truth be told I was really not looking forward to at all. I had anticipated that it would be much worse than it actually was.

A few selfies...and it was off to surgery.
This is a 'look'



Dr. Mian

A few hours later I was waking up in recovery and under the amazing supervision of Nurses Eleanor, Nancy, and Joanne. To whom I am eternally grateful for their compassion and excellent care. Thank you Ladies I couldn't have done it with out you.
www.fraserhealth.ca/about-us/building-for-better-health/jim-pattison-outpatient-care-and-surger http://y-centre/ 
Afterward surgery they put this 'very fashionable' Bandeau with gauze on me...#funfun

I didn't spend long in recovery and was soon resting in my own bed at home. Sure the incisions were painful but not near as much as I thought they would be. I took one Tylenol 3 and knocked out for the night knowing I was in good hands as my oldest daughter Hope was my night nurse that night.
 Thank you Hope. Love you!

Hot Tea ..just what the Dr. ordered.

It has now been 12 days since my surgery. I have hardly any pain at all haven't for over a week now. The Doctor says I am doing great. I just have some soreness and tenderness in my breasts. I can't get over how much lighter they are. It is not a feeling one can describe at all. I have started to try on my clothes and have discovered that many things no longer fit so I gutted my closet and purged many items for donation.#Lovethat. 

Got rid of all my old bras as well

I tried on my new temp soft bra today...can't get over how good it feels ...was also able to put deodorant on today and was allowed to finally take a shower. I never in considering this procedure imagined at all that by having this surgery done that I would end up with more confidence now with my new look. Just wasn't something that I thought of that my Breast Size had anything to do with how I carry myself or feel about my overall appearance but it really did and I am so glad now that I had it done.

So excited about my new look

I can't wait to go Bra shopping (although I could easily now go bra-less and it not be obscene) and for the first time in decades I am going to buy a Sun Dress with  spaghetti-straps. I haven't been able to wear something like that in forever!

A very Special Thank you to

 Dr. Mian, my nurses Eleanor, Joanne, Nancy. My Daughter Hope for all her love and special care. My son Nicholas for taking care of me post-op, and my Mother for being my designated driver.

My new Cleavage #loveit

Cycling Cafe's Diva

                                                             "Uniting a Community; one Cyclist at a time"



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