Tuesday, 16 July 2013

A Star is born....Women's Cycling style

photo courtesy of:Greg Descantes

I ♥ that there are bloggers now adays that some of which are very good at writing. It's interesting how we have shifted from the days of hiding and locking our personal Diaries/Journals to completely opening up our private world for all to see....Once in a while I will post here and let all of you know of a great blog/blogger that I have discovered, and share it with you...this is one of those time...I very recently had the emence priveledge of Billeting Anika Todd, an up in coming, new to the Road Racing circuit rider, and it was an amazing time we had at BC SUper week....here is just one of her most recent blogs....I suggest you give it a go...and please, Please, PLEASE sign up for her blog and as well share this on your page and tell your friends...this girl is amazing she has only been riding since May. She blew Scouts, Pro-Teams, and fans away, this past week....No one saw her coming...she will no doubt be going Pro, very very soon, but for now she is heading to Europe in 3 short weeks for the TT Championships....we wish her all the success in the World!...WAY TO GO ANIKA TODD! The face to watch in Women's Cycling and also soon to be the new face of what's to come...the future looks bright! ~CC

Anika's Independent Sponsors are Courtesy of:


         Cycling Cafe's Diva

"Uniting a Community; one Cyclist at a time"


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