Sunday, 28 April 2013

Stilleto Therapy

I am the proud mother of a University Graduate. Well she hasn't had her official ceremony but earlier this week she finished her final exam and I couldn't be more proud and thrilled for her; it's been a very long five years. Naturally, having Hope's Graduation Ceremony coming up soon I text her to see if she wanted to go dress shopping. She quickly text me back and said, "Can we go shoe shopping instead". How could I say "No". So off we went to find her a pair of fun shoes. I was just along for company; at least that was my intention. But that was like taking a small child to a candy store and telling them they can only look at the candy, but they can't have any candy. Ya right!
Hope settled on a very cute pair of black strappy wedges. Her first pair. Perfect for the summer. Personally I love wedges. I think they are the most comfortable heel invented and could live in them. Of course lately, given the nature of my condition, since my accident, heels have been off the docet. So, when I found a pair of 7" platform stilleto's I couldn't resist, but I was also thinking, "When am I going to where these?".
 That question was answered a couple weeks later when Hope finished her last exam and I wanted to take her out to celebrate and we were getting a bit dressed up. I wore my TOMS for the most part, but when it came time to go to the restauraunt I pulled out my new heels. I couldn't resist. (Again kid in the candy store). So, despite my better judgement (not the first time), and I could picture my physiotherapists disapproving face in my head as well, I slipped my beauties on and stepped out of the car. Which of was parked on a downfaced hill. Of course it was! It became very apparent very quickly that I was OUT OF PRACTICE! Hope quickly lent her arm and I basically shuffled my way to Los Margaritas, but I made it without falling. Woo hoo!
After dinner we went to pick up some Zimt chocolate, which is a company that Hope's best friend started a couple years ago. We were so excited when we got to WHole Foods to discover that most of her chocolate was sold out. Way to go Emma! Then it was off to Hope's work, Menchies, for some fro-yo. When we arrived there Hope looked at me and said, "Mom, you can wear your TOMS now if you want." We both laughed. She new I was struggling a bit, and in the back of my head I was a bit concerned that I may have done more damage to my back (which I had been suffering from since the accident) but also more recently my C-spin has been in a huge flux so I was convinced that my wearing my heels hadn't helped.
The next day, guilty faced, and with shoes in hand I came clean with my Physiotherapist with one caviot. I explained to here how when I woke up the next morning after being out to dinner with Hope, the usual pain that I had been experiencing with my C-spin was gone. Well not entirelly but really Wednesday for me was a no pain day, and for me that is a big deal. I wasn't completly out of the 'dog house' though. I did get
'the look' from Jess (my physiotherapist), but once I told her the pain was better she dedueced that possibly what had happened was that by wearing the heels it had curved my C-spin even more thus giving my flux discs more space to settle where they should be. At least that is what we are hoping.
So, now I have different exercises to do. No, it's not wearing the heels more. But my little reckless episode seems to have improved and changed my progress.

"One step closer"

                                                Cycling Cafe's Diva

"Uniting a Community; one Cyclist at a time"


This Blog and its content is Copyright © 2013 by Copiared Inc.
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  #Cyclecafes #stilleto

Monday, 22 April 2013

Boston this Sun Run's for You!

Last Monday, April 15th I received a rather irrate text from my b.f.f. Pablo, "U see all that crap in Boston, bloody bastards." Having no idea what he was talking about I replied, "huh". To which he responded, "Some coward exploded several bombs today right at the finish-line of the Boston Marathon. Killing 2 and injuring at least  100 people. The race was cancelled leaving thousands without being able to finish." He then sent another text "Get plugged in Girl." It's true I do tend to live in a bit of a bubble. I don't have a Television, or listen to the radio very often and seldom read the newspaper. So I really had that anything earth shattering had happened at all. But one feeling did overcame me rather quickly, and it was one I was very familiar with, as  I had felt it only one other time before, during 9-11, shear fear and dread! 
I grabbed my computer and headed to the closet cafe. Once on line I could see from the several status' of friends on Facebook and from the news reports what had happened and it was just as my friend had said. A bag containing explossive shrapnell had been detinatted near the finishline. Injuring several people and killing two; one of which was a a young boy there to watch his Dad finish the race; which he never ended up being able to do. The whole thing was another nightmare that most of us watching felt helpless to do anything to help.
My feelings of sorrow, dread, and helplessness continued throughout the week until friday. When live news casts kept us intuned to a manhunt for the Bomber in a door to door Manhunt AT Cambridge University. Swat teams on hand and several hours later they managed to catch the bomber. The whole Nation breathed a sigh of releif. 
A few days following the Man hunt The Sun Run was coming up and normally I would have steered clear of all the crowds, but this year was different. Like most people I felt compelled to show my support in any way I could so like several other thousands of people I woke up very early Sunday morning and headed to downtown Vancouver to do just that. Unfortunetly due to my accident (at the end of November) I wasn't able to run the race, like I would have liked, but being there to show support was a big part of being part of the event. As a runner  you know that we tend to be a very supportive group and love to cheer our fellow enthusiasts whenever we have the opportunity.
Despite the dreary weather that started the day or  the bombing earlier in the week at The Boston Marathon more than 48,198 happy runners/walkers showed up Sunday morning for the Annual Vancouver Sun Run. The largest 10k in Canada. In fact this week following the Tradgedy on Monday there  was a serge of new registrations with a boost of 2,000+ runners to the already 46,000+ registered.. 
 Many participants also showed their individual support for Boston by wearing the  traditional Yellow and Blue. and as well the start of the race there were yellow&blue balloons  showing  the solidarity to the Tragedy, but more importantly showing that we care.
Having never run the Sun Run  or even seen it I was absolutely blown away by the throngs of people once I arrived to Georgia STreet where runners were started in waves according to their run time. I had two friends that were participating, but I had no expectation of seeing either one of them. Yet when I was waiting for the start I turned to around to bump right in to Nicole. We couldn't beleive that we had found each other, complete chance. It was great so we  got to visit a bit while she and her Dad waited to start their green wave.
I wished her well and they were off.
 I then headed down to the halfway point at the Burrard Bridge. What a sight! Just gorgeous. I cheered and wished people well. 
Then continued on to the finish. I just arrived when Nicole finished but I didn't see her, there were just far to many people for one to find each other.
Everyone was coralled in to B.C. Place where the recovery, awards and expo were located. I went straight to the Expo and found some great deals. I ended up getting my daughters pink ribbon cancer socks by New Balance, some shorts, and a pair of capri jogging pants.
As I started to head home I passed the Women's winner Tasha Fraser. Hard to miss her with her big beautiful smile. She was walking with her folks but I still wished her "Congratulations" for which, like a good 'Canadian girl', she replied "Thank you". It was the perfect end to a great day, and the Sun had come out to play :)

 The Vancouver Sun had also announced that they would be donating $10 of every registration to  The Victims of the  Boston  Marathon.

                                              Cycling Cafe's Diva

"Uniting a Community; one Cyclist at a time"


This Blog and its content is Copyright © 2013 by Copiared Inc.
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  #Cyclecafes  #BostonMarathon #Boston #Vancouver #running

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Veggieful: Vegan Peanut Butter Oat Balls Recipe

Veggieful: Vegan Peanut Butter Oat Balls Recipe: makes 12 balls These little peanut butter oat balls are absolutely delicious. Not only are they easy and quick, but they are also e...